2 research outputs found

    The COVID-19 pandemic and international students: A mixed-methods approach to relationships between social media use, social support, and mental health

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and international students: A mixed-methods approach to relationships between social media use, social support, and mental healthThe COVID-19 pandemic has added significant stress to international students in the U.S. who already facemyriad challenges in adjusting to their host country. We used a mixed-method approach combining surveyand interview research involving international students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs at aU.S. university to analyze how their social media use and perceived social support and social adjustmentare associated with their sense of mental well-being when taking into account demographic and socialpsychological characteristics. Our findings show that international students spent an increased amount oftime on social media during the pandemic for both networking and information seeking purposes. Thosewho use social media primarily for networking purposes reported better mental health, whereas socialmedia use for information seeking was not significantly associated with their mental health. Social supportwas an important predictor of international students’ social media use. This study provides scholarly andpolicy implications for supporting international students during a public health crisis