3 research outputs found

    Sensitivity, Affine Transforms and Quantum Communication Complexity

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    \newcommand{\F}{\mathbb{F}}We study the Boolean function parameters sensitivity (ss), block sensitivity (bsbs), and alternation (altalt) under specially designed affine transforms. For a function f:\F_2^n\to \{0,1\}, and A=Mx+bA=Mx+b for M \in \F_2^{n\times n} and b\in \F_2^n, the result of the transformation gg is defined as \forall x\in\F_2^n, g(x)=f(Mx+b). We study alternation under linear shifts (MM is the identity matrix) called the shift invariant alternation (denoted by salt(f)salt(f)). We exhibit an explicit family of functions for which salt(f)salt(f) is 2Ξ©(s(f))2^{\Omega(s(f))}. We show an affine transform AA, such that the corresponding function gg satisfies bs(f,0n)≀s(g)bs(f,0^n) \le s(g), using which we proving that for F(x,y)=f(x∧y)F(x,y)=f(x\land y), the bounded error quantum communication complexity of FF with prior entanglement, Q1/3βˆ—(F)=Ξ©(bs(f,0n))Q^*_{1/3}(F)=\Omega(\sqrt{bs(f,0^n)}). Our proof builds on ideas from Sherstov (2010) where we use specific properties of the above affine transformation. We show, * For a prime pp and 0<Ο΅<10<\epsilon<1, any ff with degp(f)≀(1βˆ’Ο΅)log⁑ndeg_p(f)\le(1-\epsilon)\log n must satisfy Q1/3βˆ—(F)=Ξ©(nΟ΅/2log⁑n)Q^*_{1/3}(F) = \Omega(\frac{n^{\epsilon/2}}{\log n}). Here, degp(f)deg_p(f) denotes the degree of the multilinear polynomial of ff over \F_p. * For any ff such that there exists primes pp and qq with degq(f)β‰₯Ξ©(degp(f)Ξ΄)deg_q(f) \ge \Omega(deg_p(f)^\delta) for Ξ΄>2\delta > 2, the deterministic communication complexity - D(F)D(F) and Q1/3βˆ—(F)Q^*_{1/3}(F) are polynomially related. In particular, this holds when degp(f)=O(1)deg_p(f) = O(1). Thus, for this class of functions, this answers an open question (see Buhrman and deWolf (2001)) about the relation between the two measures. We construct linear transformation AA, such that gg satisfies, alt(f)≀2s(g)+1alt(f) \le 2s(g)+1. Using this, we exhibit a family of Boolean functions that rule out a potential approach to settle the XOR Log-Rank conjecture via a proof of Sensitivity conjecture [Hao Huang (2019)].Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. Added a new lower bound for shifted alternation (in Section 3) and an application to the existence of family of functions under linear transforms (in Section 5

    Parity Decision Tree Complexity is Greater Than Granularity

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    We prove a new lower bound on the parity decision tree complexity DβŠ•(f)\mathsf{D}_{\oplus}(f) of a Boolean function ff. Namely, granularity of the Boolean function ff is the smallest kk such that all Fourier coefficients of ff are integer multiples of 1/2k1/2^k. We show that DβŠ•(f)β‰₯k+1\mathsf{D}_{\oplus}(f)\geq k+1. This lower bound is an improvement of lower bounds through the sparsity of ff and through the degree of ff over F2\mathbb{F}_2. Using our lower bound we determine the exact parity decision tree complexity of several important Boolean functions including majority and recursive majority. For majority the complexity is nβˆ’B(n)+1n - \mathsf{B}(n)+1, where B(n)\mathsf{B}(n) is the number of ones in the binary representation of nn. For recursive majority the complexity is n+12\frac{n+1}{2}. Finally, we provide an example of a function for which our lower bound is not tight. Our results imply new lower bound of nβˆ’B(n)n - \mathsf{B}(n) on the multiplicative complexity of majority.Comment: Compared to the previous version we added a comparison of the complexity measures discussed to the degree of Boolean functions over F2\mathbb{F}_2. We removed the section on MOD3MOD^3 as a non-instructive example. We added the connection to multiplicative complexit

    Exact Algorithms With Worst-case Guarantee For Scheduling: From Theory to Practice

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    This PhD thesis summarizes research works on the design of exact algorithms that provide a worst-case (time or space) guarantee for NP-hard scheduling problems. Both theoretical and practical aspects are considered with three main results reported. The first one is about a Dynamic Programming algorithm which solves the F3Cmax problem in O*(3^n) time and space. The algorithm is easily generalized to other flowshop problems and single machine scheduling problems. The second contribution is about a search tree method called Branch & Merge which solves the 1||SumTi problem with the time complexity converging to O*(2^n) and in polynomial space. Our third contribution aims to improve the practical efficiency of exact search tree algorithms solving scheduling problems. First we realized that a better way to implement the idea of Branch & Merge is to use a technique called Memorization. By the finding of a new algorithmic paradox and the implementation of a memory cleaning strategy, the method succeeded to solve instances with 300 more jobs with respect to the state-of-the-art algorithm for the 1||SumTi problem. Then the treatment is extended to another three problems 1|ri|SumCi, 1|dtilde|SumwiCi and F2||SumCi. The results of the four problems all together show the power of the Memorization paradigm when applied on sequencing problems. We name it Branch & Memorize to promote a systematic consideration of Memorization as an essential building block in branching algorithms like Branch and Bound. The method can surely also be used to solve other problems, which are not necessarily scheduling problems.Comment: 156 pages, PhD thesi