282,110 research outputs found

    Benchmark Analysis of Representative Deep Neural Network Architectures

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    This work presents an in-depth analysis of the majority of the deep neural networks (DNNs) proposed in the state of the art for image recognition. For each DNN multiple performance indices are observed, such as recognition accuracy, model complexity, computational complexity, memory usage, and inference time. The behavior of such performance indices and some combinations of them are analyzed and discussed. To measure the indices we experiment the use of DNNs on two different computer architectures, a workstation equipped with a NVIDIA Titan X Pascal and an embedded system based on a NVIDIA Jetson TX1 board. This experimentation allows a direct comparison between DNNs running on machines with very different computational capacity. This study is useful for researchers to have a complete view of what solutions have been explored so far and in which research directions are worth exploring in the future; and for practitioners to select the DNN architecture(s) that better fit the resource constraints of practical deployments and applications. To complete this work, all the DNNs, as well as the software used for the analysis, are available online.Comment: Will appear in IEEE Acces

    Double Refinement Network for Efficient Indoor Monocular Depth Estimation

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    Monocular depth estimation is the task of obtaining a measure of distance for each pixel using a single image. It is an important problem in computer vision and is usually solved using neural networks. Though recent works in this area have shown significant improvement in accuracy, the state-of-the-art methods tend to require massive amounts of memory and time to process an image. The main purpose of this work is to improve the performance of the latest solutions with no decrease in accuracy. To this end, we introduce the Double Refinement Network architecture. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results on the standard benchmark RGB-D dataset NYU Depth v2, while its frames per second rate is significantly higher (up to 18 times speedup per image at batch size 1) and the RAM usage per image is lower

    ECG Arrhythmia Classification Using Transfer Learning from 2-Dimensional Deep CNN Features

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    Due to the recent advances in the area of deep learning, it has been demonstrated that a deep neural network, trained on a huge amount of data, can recognize cardiac arrhythmias better than cardiologists. Moreover, traditionally feature extraction was considered an integral part of ECG pattern recognition; however, recent findings have shown that deep neural networks can carry out the task of feature extraction directly from the data itself. In order to use deep neural networks for their accuracy and feature extraction, high volume of training data is required, which in the case of independent studies is not pragmatic. To arise to this challenge, in this work, the identification and classification of four ECG patterns are studied from a transfer learning perspective, transferring knowledge learned from the image classification domain to the ECG signal classification domain. It is demonstrated that feature maps learned in a deep neural network trained on great amounts of generic input images can be used as general descriptors for the ECG signal spectrograms and result in features that enable classification of arrhythmias. Overall, an accuracy of 97.23 percent is achieved in classifying near 7000 instances by ten-fold cross validation.Comment: Accepted and presented for IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) on 17th-19th October 2018 in Ohio, US

    On combinatorial optimisation in analysis of protein-protein interaction and protein folding networks

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    Abstract: Protein-protein interaction networks and protein folding networks represent prominent research topics at the intersection of bioinformatics and network science. In this paper, we present a study of these networks from combinatorial optimisation point of view. Using a combination of classical heuristics and stochastic optimisation techniques, we were able to identify several interesting combinatorial properties of biological networks of the COSIN project. We obtained optimal or near-optimal solutions to maximum clique and chromatic number problems for these networks. We also explore patterns of both non-overlapping and overlapping cliques in these networks. Optimal or near-optimal solutions to partitioning of these networks into non-overlapping cliques and to maximum independent set problem were discovered. Maximal cliques are explored by enumerative techniques. Domination in these networks is briefly studied, too. Applications and extensions of our findings are discussed

    Practical Block-wise Neural Network Architecture Generation

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    Convolutional neural networks have gained a remarkable success in computer vision. However, most usable network architectures are hand-crafted and usually require expertise and elaborate design. In this paper, we provide a block-wise network generation pipeline called BlockQNN which automatically builds high-performance networks using the Q-Learning paradigm with epsilon-greedy exploration strategy. The optimal network block is constructed by the learning agent which is trained sequentially to choose component layers. We stack the block to construct the whole auto-generated network. To accelerate the generation process, we also propose a distributed asynchronous framework and an early stop strategy. The block-wise generation brings unique advantages: (1) it performs competitive results in comparison to the hand-crafted state-of-the-art networks on image classification, additionally, the best network generated by BlockQNN achieves 3.54% top-1 error rate on CIFAR-10 which beats all existing auto-generate networks. (2) in the meanwhile, it offers tremendous reduction of the search space in designing networks which only spends 3 days with 32 GPUs, and (3) moreover, it has strong generalizability that the network built on CIFAR also performs well on a larger-scale ImageNet dataset.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201

    Computational Capacity and Energy Consumption of Complex Resistive Switch Networks

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    Resistive switches are a class of emerging nanoelectronics devices that exhibit a wide variety of switching characteristics closely resembling behaviors of biological synapses. Assembled into random networks, such resistive switches produce emerging behaviors far more complex than that of individual devices. This was previously demonstrated in simulations that exploit information processing within these random networks to solve tasks that require nonlinear computation as well as memory. Physical assemblies of such networks manifest complex spatial structures and basic processing capabilities often related to biologically-inspired computing. We model and simulate random resistive switch networks and analyze their computational capacities. We provide a detailed discussion of the relevant design parameters and establish the link to the physical assemblies by relating the modeling parameters to physical parameters. More globally connected networks and an increased network switching activity are means to increase the computational capacity linearly at the expense of exponentially growing energy consumption. We discuss a new modular approach that exhibits higher computational capacities and energy consumption growing linearly with the number of networks used. The results show how to optimize the trade-off between computational capacity and energy efficiency and are relevant for the design and fabrication of novel computing architectures that harness random assemblies of emerging nanodevices

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle