6 research outputs found

    Interactive Visual Analysis of Translations

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    This thesis is the result of a collaboration with the College of Arts and Humanities at Swansea University. The goal of this collaboration is to design novel visualization techniques to enable digital humanities scholars to explore and analyze parallel translations. To this end, chapter 2 introduces the first survey of surveys on text visualization which reviews all of the surveys and state-of-the-art reports on text visualization techniques, classifies them, provides recommendations, and discusses reported challenges.Following this, we present three visual interactive designs that support the typical digital humanities scholars workflow. In Chapter 4, we present VNLP, a visual, interactive design that enables users to explicitly observe the NLP pipeline processes and update the parameters at each processing stage. Chapter 5 presents AlignVis, a visual tool that provides a semi-automatic alignment framework to build a correspondence between multiple translations. It presents the results of using text similarity measurements and enables the user to create, verify, and edit alignments using a novel visual interface. Chapter 6 introduce TransVis, a novel visual design that supports comparison of multiple parallel translations. It incorporates customized mechanisms for rapid and interactive filtering and selection of a large number of German translations of Shakespeare’s Othello. All of the visual designs are evaluated using examples, detailed observations, case studies, and/or domain expert feedback from a specialist in modern and contemporary German literature and culture.Chapter 7 reports our collaborative experience and proposes a methodological workflow to guide such interdisciplinary research projects. This chapter also includes a summary of outcomes and lessons learned from our collaboration with the domain expert. Finally, Chapter 8 presents a summary of the thesis and future work directions

    VNLP: Visible natural language processing

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    In general, Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms exhibit black- box behavior.Users input text and output is provided with no explanation of how the results are obtained.In order to increase understanding and trust, users value transparent processing which may explain derived results and enable understanding of the underlying routines.Many approaches take an opaque approach by default when designing NLP tools and do not incorporate a means to steer and manipulate the intermediate NLP steps.We present an interactive, customizable, visual framework that enables users to observe and participate in the NLP pipeline processes, explicitly manipulate the parameters of each step, and explore the result visually based on user preferences. The visible NLP (VNLP) design is applied to a text similarity application to demonstrate the utility and advantages of a visible and transparent NLP pipeline in supporting users to understand and justify both the process and results. We also report feedback on our framework from a modern languages expert

    3D Medical Image Lossless Compressor Using Deep Learning Approaches

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    The ever-increasing importance of accelerated information processing, communica-tion, and storing are major requirements within the big-data era revolution. With the extensive rise in data availability, handy information acquisition, and growing data rate, a critical challenge emerges in efficient handling. Even with advanced technical hardware developments and multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) availability, this demand is still highly promoted to utilise these technologies effectively. Health-care systems are one of the domains yielding explosive data growth. Especially when considering their modern scanners abilities, which annually produce higher-resolution and more densely sampled medical images, with increasing requirements for massive storage capacity. The bottleneck in data transmission and storage would essentially be handled with an effective compression method. Since medical information is critical and imposes an influential role in diagnosis accuracy, it is strongly encouraged to guarantee exact reconstruction with no loss in quality, which is the main objective of any lossless compression algorithm. Given the revolutionary impact of Deep Learning (DL) methods in solving many tasks while achieving the state of the art results, includ-ing data compression, this opens tremendous opportunities for contributions. While considerable efforts have been made to address lossy performance using learning-based approaches, less attention was paid to address lossless compression. This PhD thesis investigates and proposes novel learning-based approaches for compressing 3D medical images losslessly.Firstly, we formulate the lossless compression task as a supervised sequential prediction problem, whereby a model learns a projection function to predict a target voxel given sequence of samples from its spatially surrounding voxels. Using such 3D local sampling information efficiently exploits spatial similarities and redundancies in a volumetric medical context by utilising such a prediction paradigm. The proposed NN-based data predictor is trained to minimise the differences with the original data values while the residual errors are encoded using arithmetic coding to allow lossless reconstruction.Following this, we explore the effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) as a 3D predictor for learning the mapping function from the spatial medical domain (16 bit-depths). We analyse Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models’ generalisabil-ity and robustness in capturing the 3D spatial dependencies of a voxel’s neighbourhood while utilising samples taken from various scanning settings. We evaluate our proposed MedZip models in compressing unseen Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) modalities losslessly, compared to other state-of-the-art lossless compression standards.This work investigates input configurations and sampling schemes for a many-to-one sequence prediction model, specifically for compressing 3D medical images (16 bit-depths) losslessly. The main objective is to determine the optimal practice for enabling the proposed LSTM model to achieve a high compression ratio and fast encoding-decoding performance. A solution for a non-deterministic environments problem was also proposed, allowing models to run in parallel form without much compression performance drop. Compared to well-known lossless codecs, experimental evaluations were carried out on datasets acquired by different hospitals, representing different body segments, and have distinct scanning modalities (i.e. CT and MRI).To conclude, we present a novel data-driven sampling scheme utilising weighted gradient scores for training LSTM prediction-based models. The objective is to determine whether some training samples are significantly more informative than others, specifically in medical domains where samples are available on a scale of billions. The effectiveness of models trained on the presented importance sampling scheme was evaluated compared to alternative strategies such as uniform, Gaussian, and sliced-based sampling

    Interactive Visualization of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data

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    Molecular Dynamics Simulations (MD) plays an essential role in the field of computational biology. The simulations produce extensive high-dimensional, spatio-temporal data describ-ing the motion of atoms and molecules. A central challenge in the field is the extraction and visualization of useful behavioral patterns from these simulations. Throughout this thesis, I collaborated with a computational biologist who works on Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simu-lation data. For the sake of exploration, I was provided with a large and complex membrane simulation. I contributed solutions to his data challenges by developing a set of novel visual-ization tools to help him get a better understanding of his simulation data. I employed both scientific and information visualization, and applied concepts of abstraction and dimensions projection in the proposed solutions. The first solution enables the user to interactively fil-ter and highlight dynamic and complex trajectory constituted by motions of molecules. The molecular dynamic trajectories are identified based on path length, edge length, curvature, and normalized curvature, and their combinations. The tool exploits new interactive visual-ization techniques and provides a combination of 2D-3D path rendering in a dual dimension representation to highlight differences arising from the 2D projection on a plane. The sec-ond solution introduces a novel abstract interaction space for Protein-Lipid interaction. The proposed solution addresses the challenge of visualizing complex, time-dependent interactions between protein and lipid molecules. It also proposes a fast GPU-based implementation that maps lipid-constituents involved in the interaction onto the abstract protein interaction space. I also introduced two abstract level-of-detail (LoD) representations with six levels of detail for lipid molecules and protein interaction. Finally, I proposed a novel framework consisting of four linked views: A time-dependent 3D view, a novel hybrid view, a clustering timeline, and a details-on-demand window. The framework exploits abstraction and projection to enable the user to study the molecular interaction and the behavior of the protein-protein interaction and clusters. I introduced a selection of visual designs to convey the behavior of protein-lipid interaction and protein-protein interaction through a unified coordinate system. Abstraction is used to present proteins in hybrid 2D space, and a projected tiled space is used to present both Protein-Lipid Interaction (PLI) and Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) at the particle level in a heat-map style visual design. Glyphs are used to represent PPI at the molecular level. I coupled visually separable visual designs in a unified coordinate space. The result lets the user study both PLI and PPI separately, or together in a unified visual analysis framework