109 research outputs found

    Fast Convex Decomposition for Truthful Social Welfare Approximation

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    Approximating the optimal social welfare while preserving truthfulness is a well studied problem in algorithmic mechanism design. Assuming that the social welfare of a given mechanism design problem can be optimized by an integer program whose integrality gap is at most α\alpha, Lavi and Swamy~\cite{Lavi11} propose a general approach to designing a randomized α\alpha-approximation mechanism which is truthful in expectation. Their method is based on decomposing an optimal solution for the relaxed linear program into a convex combination of integer solutions. Unfortunately, Lavi and Swamy's decomposition technique relies heavily on the ellipsoid method, which is notorious for its poor practical performance. To overcome this problem, we present an alternative decomposition technique which yields an α(1+ϵ)\alpha(1 + \epsilon) approximation and only requires a quadratic number of calls to an integrality gap verifier

    A Faithful Distributed Implementation of Dual Decomposition and Average Consensus Algorithms

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    We consider large scale cost allocation problems and consensus seeking problems for multiple agents, in which agents are suggested to collaborate in a distributed algorithm to find a solution. If agents are strategic to minimize their own individual cost rather than the global social cost, they are endowed with an incentive not to follow the intended algorithm, unless the tax/subsidy mechanism is carefully designed. Inspired by the classical Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism and more recent algorithmic mechanism design theory, we propose a tax mechanism that incentivises agents to faithfully implement the intended algorithm. In particular, a new notion of asymptotic incentive compatibility is introduced to characterize a desirable property of such class of mechanisms. The proposed class of tax mechanisms provides a sequence of mechanisms that gives agents a diminishing incentive to deviate from suggested algorithm.Comment: 8 page

    Mechanism Design via Correlation Gap

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    For revenue and welfare maximization in single-dimensional Bayesian settings, Chawla et al. (STOC10) recently showed that sequential posted-price mechanisms (SPMs), though simple in form, can perform surprisingly well compared to the optimal mechanisms. In this paper, we give a theoretical explanation of this fact, based on a connection to the notion of correlation gap. Loosely speaking, for auction environments with matroid constraints, we can relate the performance of a mechanism to the expectation of a monotone submodular function over a random set. This random set corresponds to the winner set for the optimal mechanism, which is highly correlated, and corresponds to certain demand set for SPMs, which is independent. The notion of correlation gap of Agrawal et al.\ (SODA10) quantifies how much we {}"lose" in the expectation of the function by ignoring correlation in the random set, and hence bounds our loss in using certain SPM instead of the optimal mechanism. Furthermore, the correlation gap of a monotone and submodular function is known to be small, and it follows that certain SPM can approximate the optimal mechanism by a good constant factor. Exploiting this connection, we give tight analysis of a greedy-based SPM of Chawla et al.\ for several environments. In particular, we show that it gives an e/(e−1)e/(e-1)-approximation for matroid environments, gives asymptotically a 1/(1−1/2πk)1/(1-1/\sqrt{2\pi k})-approximation for the important sub-case of kk-unit auctions, and gives a (p+1)(p+1)-approximation for environments with pp-independent set system constraints
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