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    Computational Geometry Column 19

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    The computational geometry community bibliography is described. 1 History of Bibliography Herbert Edelsbrunner started a bibliography of papers in computational geometry in the early 1980's. After merging his and van Leeuwen's list with a list of Guibas and Stolfi, and making other updates, he released it to the community in 1987. At that time, Edelsbrunner conceived of a utopian community-owned and-maintained bibliography, and solicited support for his idea [Ede87]. Pessimists will be surprised to learn that, five years later, the bibliography is thriving. After stewardship by Edelsbrunner, and then briefly by myself, it has been managed for the past two years by Bill Jones at the University of Saskatchewan. It is distributed electronically by anonymous ftp, and updated three times a year by the community, who send their additions and corrections in a special form to Jones, who then merges them into the bibliography and announces availability. 2 Format of Entries The latest (January..