4 research outputs found

    Computation of Hurwitz spaces and new explicit polynomials for almost simple Galois groups

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    We compute the first explicit polynomials with Galois groups G=PΓL3(4)G=P\Gamma L_3(4), PGL3(4)PGL_3(4), PSL3(4)PSL_3(4) and PSL5(2)PSL_5(2) over Q(t)\mathbb{Q}(t). Furthermore we compute the first examples of totally real polynomials with Galois groups PGL2(11)PGL_2(11), PSL3(3)PSL_3(3), M22M_{22} and Aut(M22)Aut(M_{22}) over Q\mathbb{Q}. All these examples make use of families of covers of the projective line ramified over four or more points, and therefore use techniques of explicit computations of Hurwitz spaces. Similar techniques were used previously e.g. by Malle, Couveignes, Granboulan and Hallouin. Unlike previous examples, however, some of our computations show the existence of rational points on Hurwitz spaces that would not have been obvious from theoretical arguments

    A family of 4-branch-point covers with monodromy group PSL(6,2)

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    We describe the explicit computation of a family of 4-branch-point rational functions of degree 63 with monodromy group PSL(6,2). This, in particular, negatively answers a question by J. K\"onig whether there exists a such a function with rational coefficients. The computed family also gives rise to non-regular degree-126 realizations of Aut(PSL(6,2)) over Q(t).Comment: 13 pages, the polynomials are contained in the ancillary file

    The Grunwald problem and specialization of families of regular Galois extensions

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    We investigate specializations of infinite families of regular Galois extensions over number fields. The problem to what extent the local behaviour of specializations of one single regular Galois extension can be prescribed has been investigated by D\`ebes and Ghazi in the unramified case, and by Legrand, Neftin and the author in general. Here, we generalize these results and give a partial solution to Grunwald problems using Galois extensions arising as specializations of a family of regular Galois extensions.Comment: 21

    An approach for computing families of multi-branch-point covers and applications for symplectic Galois groups

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    We propose an approach for the computation of multi-parameter families of Galois extensions with prescribed ramification type. More precisely, we combine existing deformation and interpolation techniques with recently developed strong tools for the computation of 33-point covers. To demonstrate the applicability of our method in relatively large degrees, we compute several families of polynomials with symplectic Galois groups, in particular obtaining the first totally real polynomials with Galois group PSp(6,2).Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, the polynomials are contained in an ancillary fil