4 research outputs found

    Inherent enumerability of strong jump-traceability

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    We show that every strongly jump-traceable set obeys every benign cost function. Moreover, we show that every strongly jump-traceable set is computable from a computably enumerable strongly jump-traceable set. This allows us to generalise properties of c.e.\ strongly jump-traceable sets to all such sets. For example, the strongly jump-traceable sets induce an ideal in the Turing degrees; the strongly jump-traceable sets are precisely those that are computable from all superlow Martin-L\"{o}f random sets; the strongly jump-traceable sets are precisely those that are a base for DemuthBLR\text{Demuth}_{\text{BLR}}-randomness; and strong jump-traceability is equivalent to strong superlowness.Comment: 25 page

    Strong jump traceability and Demuth randomness

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    We solve the covering problem for Demuth randomness, showing that a computably enumerable set is computable from a Demuth random set if and only if it is strongly jump-traceable. We show that on the other hand, the class of sets which form a base for Demuth randomness is a proper subclass of the class of strongly jump-traceable sets.Comment: 28 page

    Demuth's path to randomness

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    Osvald Demuth (1936--1988) studied constructive analysis from the viewpoint of the Russian school of constructive mathematics. In the course of his work he introduced various notions of effective null set which, when phrased in classical language, yield a number of major algorithmic randomness notions. In addition, he proved several results connecting constructive analysis and randomness that were rediscovered only much later. In this paper, we trace the path that took Demuth from his constructivist roots to his deep and innovative work on the interactions between constructive analysis, algorithmic randomness, and computability theory. We will focus specifically on (i) Demuth's work on the differentiability of Markov computable functions and his study of constructive versions of the Denjoy alternative, (ii) Demuth's independent discovery of the main notions of algorithmic randomness, as well as the development of Demuth randomness, and (iii) the interactions of truth-table reducibility, algorithmic randomness, and semigenericity in Demuth's work

    Logic Blog 2011

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    This year's logic blog has focussed on: 1. Demuth randomness 2. traceability 3. The connection of computable analysis and randomness 4. KK-triviality in metric spaces