573 research outputs found

    Scalable and Robust Community Detection with Randomized Sketching

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    This paper explores and analyzes the unsupervised clustering of large partially observed graphs. We propose a scalable and provable randomized framework for clustering graphs generated from the stochastic block model. The clustering is first applied to a sub-matrix of the graph's adjacency matrix associated with a reduced graph sketch constructed using random sampling. Then, the clusters of the full graph are inferred based on the clusters extracted from the sketch using a correlation-based retrieval step. Uniform random node sampling is shown to improve the computational complexity over clustering of the full graph when the cluster sizes are balanced. A new random degree-based node sampling algorithm is presented which significantly improves upon the performance of the clustering algorithm even when clusters are unbalanced. This algorithm improves the phase transitions for matrix-decomposition-based clustering with regard to computational complexity and minimum cluster size, which are shown to be nearly dimension-free in the low inter-cluster connectivity regime. A third sampling technique is shown to improve balance by randomly sampling nodes based on spatial distribution. We provide analysis and numerical results using a convex clustering algorithm based on matrix completion

    Compressive Embedding and Visualization using Graphs

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    Visualizing high-dimensional data has been a focus in data analysis communities for decades, which has led to the design of many algorithms, some of which are now considered references (such as t-SNE for example). In our era of overwhelming data volumes, the scalability of such methods have become more and more important. In this work, we present a method which allows to apply any visualization or embedding algorithm on very large datasets by considering only a fraction of the data as input and then extending the information to all data points using a graph encoding its global similarity. We show that in most cases, using only O(log(N))\mathcal{O}(\log(N)) samples is sufficient to diffuse the information to all NN data points. In addition, we propose quantitative methods to measure the quality of embeddings and demonstrate the validity of our technique on both synthetic and real-world datasets

    Subspace clustering of dimensionality-reduced data

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    Subspace clustering refers to the problem of clustering unlabeled high-dimensional data points into a union of low-dimensional linear subspaces, assumed unknown. In practice one may have access to dimensionality-reduced observations of the data only, resulting, e.g., from "undersampling" due to complexity and speed constraints on the acquisition device. More pertinently, even if one has access to the high-dimensional data set it is often desirable to first project the data points into a lower-dimensional space and to perform the clustering task there; this reduces storage requirements and computational cost. The purpose of this paper is to quantify the impact of dimensionality-reduction through random projection on the performance of the sparse subspace clustering (SSC) and the thresholding based subspace clustering (TSC) algorithms. We find that for both algorithms dimensionality reduction down to the order of the subspace dimensions is possible without incurring significant performance degradation. The mathematical engine behind our theorems is a result quantifying how the affinities between subspaces change under random dimensionality reducing projections.Comment: ISIT 201