31 research outputs found

    Compressed sensing performance bounds under Poisson noise

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    This paper describes performance bounds for compressed sensing (CS) where the underlying sparse or compressible (sparsely approximable) signal is a vector of nonnegative intensities whose measurements are corrupted by Poisson noise. In this setting, standard CS techniques cannot be applied directly for several reasons. First, the usual signal-independent and/or bounded noise models do not apply to Poisson noise, which is non-additive and signal-dependent. Second, the CS matrices typically considered are not feasible in real optical systems because they do not adhere to important constraints, such as nonnegativity and photon flux preservation. Third, the typical β„“2\ell_2--β„“1\ell_1 minimization leads to overfitting in the high-intensity regions and oversmoothing in the low-intensity areas. In this paper, we describe how a feasible positivity- and flux-preserving sensing matrix can be constructed, and then analyze the performance of a CS reconstruction approach for Poisson data that minimizes an objective function consisting of a negative Poisson log likelihood term and a penalty term which measures signal sparsity. We show that, as the overall intensity of the underlying signal increases, an upper bound on the reconstruction error decays at an appropriate rate (depending on the compressibility of the signal), but that for a fixed signal intensity, the signal-dependent part of the error bound actually grows with the number of measurements or sensors. This surprising fact is both proved theoretically and justified based on physical intuition.Comment: 12 pages, 3 pdf figures; accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Performance analysis of low-flux least-squares single-pixel imaging

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    A single-pixel camera is able to computationally form spatially resolved images using one photodetector and a spatial light modulator. The images it produces in low-light-level operation are imperfect, even when the number of measurements exceeds the number of pixels, because its photodetection measurements are corrupted by Poisson noise. Conventional performance analysis for single-pixel imaging generates estimates of mean-square error (MSE) from Monte Carlo simulations, which require long computational times. In this letter, we use random matrix theory to develop a closed-form approximation to the MSE of the widely used least-squares inversion method for Poisson noise-limited single-pixel imaging. We present numerical experiments that validate our approximation and a motivating example showing how our framework can be used to answer practical optical design questions for a single-pixel camera.This work was supported in part by the Samsung Scholarship and in part by the US National Science Foundation under Grant 1422034. (Samsung Scholarship; 1422034 - US National Science Foundation)Accepted manuscrip

    Poisson Matrix Completion

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    We extend the theory of matrix completion to the case where we make Poisson observations for a subset of entries of a low-rank matrix. We consider the (now) usual matrix recovery formulation through maximum likelihood with proper constraints on the matrix MM, and establish theoretical upper and lower bounds on the recovery error. Our bounds are nearly optimal up to a factor on the order of O(log⁑(d1d2))\mathcal{O}(\log(d_1 d_2)). These bounds are obtained by adapting the arguments used for one-bit matrix completion \cite{davenport20121} (although these two problems are different in nature) and the adaptation requires new techniques exploiting properties of the Poisson likelihood function and tackling the difficulties posed by the locally sub-Gaussian characteristic of the Poisson distribution. Our results highlight a few important distinctions of Poisson matrix completion compared to the prior work in matrix completion including having to impose a minimum signal-to-noise requirement on each observed entry. We also develop an efficient iterative algorithm and demonstrate its good performance in recovering solar flare images.Comment: Submitted to IEEE for publicatio