1,180 research outputs found

    Achievable Rate Regions for Two-Way Relay Channel using Nested Lattice Coding

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    This paper studies Gaussian Two-Way Relay Channel where two communication nodes exchange messages with each other via a relay. It is assumed that all nodes operate in half duplex mode without any direct link between the communication nodes. A compress-and-forward relaying strategy using nested lattice codes is first proposed. Then, the proposed scheme is improved by performing a layered coding : a common layer is decoded by both receivers and a refinement layer is recovered only by the receiver which has the best channel conditions. The achievable rates of the new scheme are characterized and are shown to be higher than those provided by the decode-and-forward strategy in some regions.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (October 2013

    Compute-and-Forward: Harnessing Interference through Structured Codes

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    Interference is usually viewed as an obstacle to communication in wireless networks. This paper proposes a new strategy, compute-and-forward, that exploits interference to obtain significantly higher rates between users in a network. The key idea is that relays should decode linear functions of transmitted messages according to their observed channel coefficients rather than ignoring the interference as noise. After decoding these linear equations, the relays simply send them towards the destinations, which given enough equations, can recover their desired messages. The underlying codes are based on nested lattices whose algebraic structure ensures that integer combinations of codewords can be decoded reliably. Encoders map messages from a finite field to a lattice and decoders recover equations of lattice points which are then mapped back to equations over the finite field. This scheme is applicable even if the transmitters lack channel state information.Comment: IEEE Trans. Info Theory, to appear. 23 pages, 13 figure

    Capacity Gain from Two-Transmitter and Two-Receiver Cooperation

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    Capacity improvement from transmitter and receiver cooperation is investigated in a two-transmitter, two-receiver network with phase fading and full channel state information available at all terminals. The transmitters cooperate by first exchanging messages over an orthogonal transmitter cooperation channel, then encoding jointly with dirty paper coding. The receivers cooperate by using Wyner-Ziv compress-and-forward over an analogous orthogonal receiver cooperation channel. To account for the cost of cooperation, the allocation of network power and bandwidth among the data and cooperation channels is studied. It is shown that transmitter cooperation outperforms receiver cooperation and improves capacity over non-cooperative transmission under most operating conditions when the cooperation channel is strong. However, a weak cooperation channel limits the transmitter cooperation rate; in this case receiver cooperation is more advantageous. Transmitter-and-receiver cooperation offers sizable additional capacity gain over transmitter-only cooperation at low SNR, whereas at high SNR transmitter cooperation alone captures most of the cooperative capacity improvement.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    The Three Node Wireless Network: Achievable Rates and Cooperation Strategies

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    We consider a wireless network composed of three nodes and limited by the half-duplex and total power constraints. This formulation encompasses many of the special cases studied in the literature and allows for capturing the common features shared by them. Here, we focus on three special cases, namely 1) Relay Channel, 2) Multicast Channel, and 3) Conference Channel. These special cases are judicially chosen to reflect varying degrees of complexity while highlighting the common ground shared by the different variants of the three node wireless network. For the relay channel, we propose a new cooperation scheme that exploits the wireless feedback gain. This scheme combines the benefits of decode-and-forward and compress-and-forward strategies and avoids the idealistic feedback assumption adopted in earlier works. Our analysis of the achievable rate of this scheme reveals the diminishing feedback gain at both the low and high signal-to-noise ratio regimes. Inspired by the proposed feedback strategy, we identify a greedy cooperation framework applicable to both the multicast and conference channels. Our performance analysis reveals several nice properties of the proposed greedy approach and the central role of cooperative source-channel coding in exploiting the receiver side information in the wireless network setting. Our proofs for the cooperative multicast with side-information rely on novel nested and independent binning encoders along with a list decoder.Comment: 52 page

    Lossy Source Transmission over the Relay Channel

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    Lossy transmission over a relay channel in which the relay has access to correlated side information is considered. First, a joint source-channel decode-and-forward scheme is proposed for general discrete memoryless sources and channels. Then the Gaussian relay channel where the source and the side information are jointly Gaussian is analyzed. For this Gaussian model, several new source-channel cooperation schemes are introduced and analyzed in terms of the squared-error distortion at the destination. A comparison of the proposed upper bounds with the cut-set lower bound is given, and it is seen that joint source-channel cooperation improves the reconstruction quality significantly. Moreover, the performance of the joint code is close to the lower bound on distortion for a wide range of source and channel parameters.Comment: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 6 - 11, 200

    End-to-End Joint Antenna Selection Strategy and Distributed Compress and Forward Strategy for Relay Channels

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    Multi-hop relay channels use multiple relay stages, each with multiple relay nodes, to facilitate communication between a source and destination. Previously, distributed space-time codes were proposed to maximize the achievable diversity-multiplexing tradeoff, however, they fail to achieve all the points of the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff. In the presence of a low-rate feedback link from the destination to each relay stage and the source, this paper proposes an end-to-end antenna selection (EEAS) strategy as an alternative to distributed space-time codes. The EEAS strategy uses a subset of antennas of each relay stage for transmission of the source signal to the destination with amplify and forwarding at each relay stage. The subsets are chosen such that they maximize the end-to-end mutual information at the destination. The EEAS strategy achieves the corner points of the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (corresponding to maximum diversity gain and maximum multiplexing gain) and achieves better diversity gain at intermediate values of multiplexing gain, versus the best known distributed space-time coding strategies. A distributed compress and forward (CF) strategy is also proposed to achieve all points of the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff for a two-hop relay channel with multiple relay nodes.Comment: Accepted for publication in the special issue on cooperative communication in the Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communication and Networkin