141,501 research outputs found

    Ferritic nitrocarburising of tool steels

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    Four different tool steel materials, P20, H13, M2 and D2, were nitrocarburised at 570&deg;C in a fluidised bed furnace. The reactive diffusion of nitrogen and carbon into the various substrate microstructures is compared and related to the different alloy carbide distributions. The effect of carbon bearing gas (carbon dioxide, natural gas) on carbon absorption is reported, as well as its influence on compound layer growth and porosity. Partial reduction of Fe3O4 at the surface resulted in the formation of a complex, epsi-nitride containing oxide layer. In H13, carbon was deeply absorbed throughout the entire diffusion zone, affecting the growth of grain boundary cementite, nitrogen diffusivity and the sharpness of the compound layer: diffusion zone interface. When natural gas was used, carbon became highly concentrated in the compound layer, while surface decarburisation occurred with carbon dioxide. These microstructural effects are discussed in relation to hardness profiles, and compound layer hardness and ductility. The surfaces were characterised using glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy, optical and scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.<br /

    Enzyme economy in metabolic networks

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    Metabolic systems are governed by a compromise between metabolic benefit and enzyme cost. This hypothesis and its consequences can be studied by kinetic models in which enzyme profiles are chosen by optimality principles. In enzyme-optimal states, active enzymes must provide benefits: a higher enzyme level must provide a metabolic benefit to justify the additional enzyme cost. This entails general relations between metabolic fluxes, reaction elasticities, and enzyme costs, the laws of metabolic economics. The laws can be formulated using economic potentials and loads, state variables that quantify how metabolites, reactions, and enzymes affect the metabolic performance in a steady state. Economic balance equations link them to fluxes, reaction elasticities, and enzyme levels locally in the network. Economically feasible fluxes must be free of futile cycles and must lead from lower to higher economic potentials, just like thermodynamics makes them lead from higher to lower chemical potentials. Metabolic economics provides algebraic conditions for economical fluxes, which are independent of the underlying kinetic models. It justifies and extends the principle of minimal fluxes and shows how to construct kinetic models in enzyme-optimal states, where all enzymes have a positive influence on the metabolic performance

    Statistics for the Luria-Delbr\"uck distribution

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    The Luria-Delbr\"uck distribution is a classical model of mutations in cell kinetics. It is obtained as a limit when the probability of mutation tends to zero and the number of divisions to infinity. It can be interpreted as a compound Poisson distribution (for the number of mutations) of exponential mixtures (for the developing time of mutant clones) of geometric distributions (for the number of cells produced by a mutant clone in a given time). The probabilistic interpretation, and a rigourous proof of convergence in the general case, are deduced from classical results on Bellman-Harris branching processes. The two parameters of the Luria-Delbr\"uck distribution are the expected number of mutations, which is the parameter of interest, and the relative fitness of normal cells compared to mutants, which is the heavy tail exponent. Both can be simultaneously estimated by the maximum likehood method. However, the computation becomes numerically unstable as soon as the maximal value of the sample is large, which occurs frequently due to the heavy tail property. Based on the empirical generating function, robust estimators are proposed and their asymptotic variance is given. They are comparable in precision to maximum likelihood estimators, with a much broader range of calculability, a better numerical stability, and a negligible computing time

    NFF Capital Partners 2010 Portfolio Performance Report

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    Reviews 2006-10 investments in Nonprofit Finance Fund-supported philanthropic equity campaigns, program delivery and business model revenue growth, and revenue leverage ratios, with campaign profiles. Explains strategy, progress, and need for standards

    NFF Capital Partners 2011 Portfolio Performance Report

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    Reviews outcomes of a program launched in 2006 to build philanthropic equity by offering nonprofit organizations dedicated growth capital to become sustainable. Examines core program metrics, business model revenues, and progress toward sustainability

    Network of two-Chinese-character compound words in Japanese language

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    Some statistical properties of a network of two-Chinese-character compound words in Japanese language are reported. In this network, a node represents a Chinese character and an edge represents a two-Chinese-character compound word. It is found that this network has properties of "small-world" and "scale-free." A network formed by only Chinese characters for common use ({\it joyo-kanji} in Japanese), which is regarded as a subclass of the original network, also has small-world property. However, a degree distribution of the network exhibits no clear power law. In order to reproduce disappearance of the power-law property, a model for a selecting process of the Chinese characters for common use is proposed
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