18 research outputs found

    A compositional minimization approach for large asynchronous design verification

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    pre-printThis paper presents a compositional minimization approach with efficient state space reductions for verifying non-trivial asynchronous designs. These reductions can result in a reduced model that contains the exact same set of observably equivalent behavior in the original model, therefore no false counter-examples result from the verification of the reduced model. This approach allows designs that cannot be handled monolithically or with partial-order reduction to be verified without difficulty. The experimental results show significant scale-up of the compositional minimization approach using these reductions on a number of large asynchronous designs

    Decomposability in formal conformance testing

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    We study the problem of deriving a specification for a third-party component, based on the specification of the system and the environment in which the component is supposed to reside. Particularly, we are interested in using component specifications for conformance testing of black-box components, using the theory of input-output conformance (ioco) testing. We propose and prove sufficient criteria for decompositionality, i.e., that components conforming to the derived specification will always compose to produce a correct system with respect to the system specification. We also study the criteria for strong decomposability, by which we can ensure that only those components conforming to the derived specification can lead to a correct system

    Schedulability Analysis of Distributed Multi-core Avionics Systems with UPPAAL

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