3,661 research outputs found

    Assume-guarantee verification for probabilistic systems

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    We present a compositional verification technique for systems that exhibit both probabilistic and nondeterministic behaviour. We adopt an assume- guarantee approach to verification, where both the assumptions made about system components and the guarantees that they provide are regular safety properties, represented by finite automata. Unlike previous proposals for assume-guarantee reasoning about probabilistic systems, our approach does not require that components interact in a fully synchronous fashion. In addition, the compositional verification method is efficient and fully automated, based on a reduction to the problem of multi-objective probabilistic model checking. We present asymmetric and circular assume-guarantee rules, and show how they can be adapted to form quantitative queries, yielding lower and upper bounds on the actual probabilities that a property is satisfied. Our techniques have been implemented and applied to several large case studies, including instances where conventional probabilistic verification is infeasible

    Process algebra for performance evaluation

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    This paper surveys the theoretical developments in the field of stochastic process algebras, process algebras where action occurrences may be subject to a delay that is determined by a random variable. A huge class of resource-sharing systems – like large-scale computers, client–server architectures, networks – can accurately be described using such stochastic specification formalisms. The main emphasis of this paper is the treatment of operational semantics, notions of equivalence, and (sound and complete) axiomatisations of these equivalences for different types of Markovian process algebras, where delays are governed by exponential distributions. Starting from a simple actionless algebra for describing time-homogeneous continuous-time Markov chains, we consider the integration of actions and random delays both as a single entity (like in known Markovian process algebras like TIPP, PEPA and EMPA) and as separate entities (like in the timed process algebras timed CSP and TCCS). In total we consider four related calculi and investigate their relationship to existing Markovian process algebras. We also briefly indicate how one can profit from the separation of time and actions when incorporating more general, non-Markovian distributions

    Modelling, reduction and analysis of Markov automata (extended version)

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    Markov automata (MA) constitute an expressive continuous-time compositional modelling formalism. They appear as semantic backbones for engineering frameworks including dynamic fault trees, Generalised Stochastic Petri Nets, and AADL. Their expressive power has thus far precluded them from effective analysis by probabilistic (and statistical) model checkers, stochastic game solvers, or analysis tools for Petri net-like formalisms. This paper presents the foundations and underlying algorithms for efficient MA modelling, reduction using static analysis, and most importantly, quantitative analysis. We also discuss implementation pragmatics of supporting tools and present several case studies demonstrating feasibility and usability of MA in practice

    Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook

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    Abstract: Over the past two decades, the study of model-based dependability analysis has gathered significant research interest. Different approaches have been developed to automate and address various limitations of classical dependability techniques to contend with the increasing complexity and challenges of modern safety-critical system. Two leading paradigms have emerged, one which constructs predictive system failure models from component failure models compositionally using the topology of the system. The other utilizes design models - typically state automata - to explore system behaviour through fault injection. This paper reviews a number of prominent techniques under these two paradigms, and provides an insight into their working mechanism, applicability, strengths and challenges, as well as recent developments within these fields. We also discuss the emerging trends on integrated approaches and advanced analysis capabilities. Lastly, we outline the future outlook for model-based dependability analysis

    Dependability checking with StoCharts: Is train radio reliable enough for trains?

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    Performance, dependability and quality of service (QoS) are prime aspects of the UML modelling domain. To capture these aspects effectively in the design phase, we have recently proposed STOCHARTS, a conservative extension of UML statechart diagrams. In this paper, we apply the STOCHART formalism to a safety critical design problem. We model a part of the European Train Control System specification, focusing on the risks of wireless communication failures in future high-speed cross-European trains. Stochastic model checking with the model checker PROVER enables us to derive constraints under which the central quality requirements are satisfied by the STOCHART model. The paper illustrates the flexibility and maturity of STOCHARTS to model real problems in safety critical system design