1,571 research outputs found

    Compositional (In)Finite Abstractions for Large-Scale Interconnected Stochastic Systems

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    This paper is concerned with a compositional approach for constructing both infinite (reduced-order models) and finite abstractions (a.k.a. finite Markov decision processes (MDPs)) of large-scale interconnected discrete-time stochastic systems. The proposed framework is based on the notion of stochastic simulation functions enabling us to employ an abstract system as a substitution of the original one in the controller design process with guaranteed error bounds. In the first part of the paper, we derive sufficient small-gain type conditions for the compositional quantification of the probabilistic distance between the interconnection of stochastic control subsystems and that of their infinite abstractions. We then construct infinite abstractions together with their corresponding stochastic simulation functions for a particular class of discrete-time nonlinear stochastic control systems. In the second part of the paper, we leverage small-gain type conditions for the compositional construction of finite abstractions. We propose an approach to construct finite MDPs as finite abstractions of concrete models or their reduced-order versions satisfying an incremental input-to-state stability property. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results by applying our approaches to a fully interconnected network of 20 nonlinear subsystems (totally 100 dimensions). We construct finite MDPs from their reduced-order versions (together 20 dimensions) with guaranteed error bounds on their output trajectories. We also apply the proposed results to a temperature regulation in a circular building and construct compositionally a finite abstraction of a network containing 1000 rooms. We employ the constructed finite abstractions as substitutes to compositionally synthesize policies regulating the temperature in each room for a bounded time horizon.Comment: This work is accepted as a full paper at IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro

    Approximations of Stochastic Hybrid Systems: A Compositional Approach

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    In this paper we propose a compositional framework for the construction of approximations of the interconnection of a class of stochastic hybrid systems. As special cases, this class of systems includes both jump linear stochastic systems and linear stochastic hybrid automata. In the proposed framework, an approximation is itself a stochastic hybrid system, which can be used as a replacement of the original stochastic hybrid system in a controller design process. We employ a notion of so-called stochastic simulation function to quantify the error between the approximation and the original system. In the first part of the paper, we derive sufficient conditions which facilitate the compositional quantification of the error between the interconnection of stochastic hybrid subsystems and that of their approximations using the quantified error between the stochastic hybrid subsystems and their corresponding approximations. In particular, we show how to construct stochastic simulation functions for approximations of interconnected stochastic hybrid systems using the stochastic simulation function for the approximation of each component. In the second part of the paper, we focus on a specific class of stochastic hybrid systems, namely, jump linear stochastic systems, and propose a constructive scheme to determine approximations together with their stochastic simulation functions for this class of systems. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed results by constructing an approximation of the interconnection of four jump linear stochastic subsystems in a compositional way.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    From Dissipativity Theory to Compositional Abstractions of Interconnected Stochastic Hybrid Systems

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    In this work, we derive conditions under which compositional abstractions of networks of stochastic hybrid systems can be constructed using the interconnection topology and joint dissipativity-type properties of subsystems and their abstractions. In the proposed framework, the abstraction, itself a stochastic hybrid system (possibly with a lower dimension), can be used as a substitute of the original system in the controller design process. Moreover, we derive conditions for the construction of abstractions for a class of stochastic hybrid systems involving nonlinearities satisfying an incremental quadratic inequality. In this work, unlike existing results, the stochastic noises and jumps in the concrete subsystem and its abstraction need not to be the same. We provide examples with numerical simulations to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed dissipativity-type compositional reasoning for interconnected stochastic hybrid systems

    Approximate abstractions of control systems with an application to aggregation

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    Previous approaches to constructing abstractions for control systems rely on geometric conditions or, in the case of an interconnected control system, a condition on the interconnection topology. Since these conditions are not always satisfiable, we relax the restrictions on the choice of abstractions, instead opting to select ones which nearly satisfy such conditions via optimization-based approaches. To quantify the resulting effect on the error between the abstraction and concrete control system, we introduce the notions of practical simulation functions and practical storage functions. We show that our approach facilitates the procedure of aggregation, where one creates an abstraction by partitioning agents into aggregate areas. We demonstrate the results on an application where we regulate the temperature in three separate zones of a building.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Compositional Synthesis of Symbolic Models for Networks of Switched Systems

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    In this paper, we provide a compositional methodology for constructing symbolic models for networks of discrete-time switched systems. We first define a notion of so-called augmented-storage functions to relate switched subsystems and their symbolic models. Then we show that if some dissipativity type conditions are satisfied, one can establish a notion of so-called alternating simulation function as a relation between a network of symbolic models and that of switched subsystems. The alternating simulation function provides an upper bound for the mismatch between the output behavior of the interconnection of switched subsystems and that of their symbolic models. Moreover, we provide an approach to construct symbolic models for discrete-time switched subsystems under some assumptions ensuring incremental passivity of each mode of switched subsystems. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of our results through two examples

    Automated Verification and Synthesis of Stochastic Hybrid Systems: A Survey

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    Stochastic hybrid systems have received significant attentions as a relevant modelling framework describing many systems, from engineering to the life sciences: they enable the study of numerous applications, including transportation networks, biological systems and chemical reaction networks, smart energy and power grids, and beyond. Automated verification and policy synthesis for stochastic hybrid systems can be inherently challenging: this is due to the heterogeneity of their dynamics (presence of continuous and discrete components), the presence of uncertainty, and in some applications the large dimension of state and input sets. Over the past few years, a few hundred articles have investigated these models, and developed diverse and powerful approaches to mitigate difficulties encountered in the analysis and synthesis of such complex stochastic systems. In this survey, we overview the most recent results in the literature and discuss different approaches, including (in)finite abstractions, verification and synthesis for temporal logic specifications, stochastic similarity relations, (control) barrier certificates, compositional techniques, and a selection of results on continuous-time stochastic systems; we finally survey recently developed software tools that implement the discussed approaches. Throughout the manuscript we discuss a few open topics to be considered as potential future research directions: we hope that this survey will guide younger researchers through a comprehensive understanding of the various challenges, tools, and solutions in this enticing and rich scientific area

    Compositional Abstraction-based Synthesis of General MDPs via Approximate Probabilistic Relations

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    We propose a compositional approach for constructing abstractions of general Markov decision processes using approximate probabilistic relations. The abstraction framework is based on the notion of δ\delta-lifted relations, using which one can quantify the distance in probability between the interconnected gMDPs and that of their abstractions. This new approximate relation unifies compositionality results in the literature by incorporating the dependencies between state transitions explicitly and by allowing abstract models to have either finite or infinite state spaces. Accordingly, one can leverage the proposed results to perform analysis and synthesis over abstract models, and then carry the results over concrete ones. To this end, we first propose our compositionality results using the new approximate probabilistic relation which is based on lifting. We then focus on a class of stochastic nonlinear dynamical systems and construct their abstractions using both model order reduction and space discretization in a unified framework. We provide conditions for simultaneous existence of relations incorporating the structure of the network. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results by considering a network of four nonlinear dynamical subsystems (together 12 dimensions) and constructing finite abstractions from their reduced-order versions (together 4 dimensions) in a unified compositional framework. We benchmark our results against the compositional abstraction techniques that construct both infinite abstractions (reduced-order models) and finite MDPs in two consecutive steps. We show that our approach is much less conservative than the ones available in the literature

    Compositional Abstraction of Large-Scale Stochastic Systems: A Relaxed Dissipativity Approach

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    In this paper, we propose a compositional approach for the construction of finite abstractions (a.k.a. finite Markov decision processes (MDPs)) for networks of discrete-time stochastic control subsystems that are not necessarily stabilizable. The proposed approach leverages the interconnection topology and a notion of finite-step stochastic storage functions, that describes joint dissipativity-type properties of subsystems and their abstractions, and establishes a finite-step stochastic simulation function as a relation between the network and its abstraction. To this end, we first develop a new type of compositionality conditions which is less conservative than the existing ones. In particular, using a relaxation via a finite-step stochastic simulation function, it is possible to construct finite abstractions such that stabilizability of each subsystem is not necessarily required. We then propose an approach to construct finite MDPs together with their corresponding finite-step storage functions for general discrete-time stochastic control systems satisfying an incremental passivablity property. We also construct finite MDPs for a particular class of nonlinear stochastic control systems. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results, we apply our results on three different case studies.Comment: This work is accepted at Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1712.0779

    Compositional Abstraction-based Synthesis for Networks of Stochastic Switched Systems

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    In this paper, we provide a compositional approach for constructing finite abstractions (a.k.a. finite Markov decision processes (MDPs)) of interconnected discrete-time stochastic switched systems. The proposed framework is based on a notion of stochastic simulation functions, using which one can employ an abstract system as a substitution of the original one in the controller design process with guaranteed error bounds on their output trajectories. To this end, we first provide probabilistic closeness guarantees between the interconnection of stochastic switched subsystems and that of their finite abstractions via stochastic simulation functions. We then leverage sufficient small-gain type conditions to show compositionality results of this work. Afterwards, we show that under standard assumptions ensuring incremental input-to-state stability of switched systems (i.e., existence of common incremental Lyapunov functions, or multiple incremental Lyapunov functions with dwell-time), one can construct finite MDPs for the general setting of nonlinear stochastic switched systems. We also propose an approach to construct finite MDPs for a particular class of nonlinear stochastic switched systems. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed results, we first apply our approaches to a road traffic network in a circular cascade ring composed of 200 cells, and construct compositionally a finite MDP of the network. We employ the constructed finite abstractions as substitutes to compositionally synthesize policies keeping the density of the traffic lower than 20 vehicles per cell. We then apply our proposed techniques to a fully interconnected network of 500 nonlinear subsystems (totally 1000 dimensions), and construct their finite MDPs with guaranteed error bounds. We compare our proposed results with those available in the literature.Comment: This work is accepted as a regular paper at Automatica. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1902.01223, arXiv:1808.0089

    Verification of Initial-State Opacity for Switched Systems: A Compositional Approach

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    The security in information-flow has become a major concern for cyber-physical systems (CPSs). In this work, we focus on the analysis of an information-flow security property, called opacity. Opacity characterizes the plausible deniability of a system's secret in the presence of a malicious outside intruder. We propose a methodology of checking a notion of opacity, called approximate initial-state opacity, for networks of discrete-time switched systems. Our framework relies on compositional constructions of finite abstractions for networks of switched systems and their so-called approximate initial-state opacity-preserving simulation functions (InitSOPSFs). Those functions characterize how close concrete networks and their finite abstractions are in terms of the satisfaction of approximate initial-state opacity. We show that such InitSOPSFs can be obtained compositionally by assuming some small-gain type conditions and composing so-called local InitSOPSFs constructed for each subsystem separately. Additionally, assuming certain stability property of switched systems, we also provide a technique on constructing their finite abstractions together with the corresponding local InitSOPSFs. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of our results through an example.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure
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