14 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient In-Memory Architectures Leveraging Intrinsic Behaviors of Embedded MRAM Devices

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    For decades, innovations to surmount the processor versus memory gap and move beyond conventional von Neumann architectures continue to be sought and explored. Recent machine learning models still expend orders of magnitude more time and energy to access data in memory in addition to merely performing the computation itself. This phenomenon referred to as a memory-wall bottleneck, is addressed herein via a completely fresh perspective on logic and memory technology design. The specific solutions developed in this dissertation focus on utilizing intrinsic switching behaviors of embedded MRAM devices to design cross-layer and energy-efficient Compute-in-Memory (CiM) architectures, accelerate the computationally-intensive operations in various Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), achieve higher density and reduce the power consumption as crucial requirements in future Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The first cross-layer platform developed herein is an Approximate Generative Adversarial Network (ApGAN) designed to accelerate the Generative Adversarial Networks from both algorithm and hardware implementation perspectives. In addition to binarizing the weights, further reduction in storage and computation resources is achieved by leveraging an in-memory addition scheme. Moreover, a memristor-based CiM accelerator for ApGAN is developed. The second design is a biologically-inspired memory architecture. The Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory features in biology are realized in hardware via a beyond-CMOS-based learning approach derived from the repeated input information and retrieval of the encoded data. The third cross-layer architecture is a programmable energy-efficient hardware implementation for Recurrent Neural Network with ultra-low power, area-efficient spin-based activation functions. A novel CiM architecture is proposed to leverage data-level parallelism during the evaluation phase. Specifically, we employ an MRAM-based Adjustable Probabilistic Activation Function (APAF) via a low-power tunable activation mechanism, providing adjustable accuracy levels to mimic ideal sigmoid and tanh thresholding along with a matching algorithm to regulate neuronal properties. Finally, the APAF design is utilized in the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to evaluate the network performance using binary and non-binary activation functions. The simulation results indicate up to 74.5 x 215; energy-efficiency, 35-fold speedup and ~11x area reduction compared with the similar baseline designs. These can form basis for future post-CMOS based non-Von Neumann architectures suitable for intermittently powered energy harvesting devices capable of pushing intelligence towards the edge of computing network


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    Several completely new approaches (such as spintronic, carbon nanotube, graphene, TFETs, etc.) to information processing and data storage technologies are emerging to address the time frame beyond current Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) roadmap. The high speed magnetization switching of a nano-magnet due to current induced spin-transfer torque (STT) have been demonstrated in recent experiments. Such STT devices can be explored in compact, low power memory and logic design. In order to truly leverage STT devices based computing, researchers require a re-think of circuit, architecture, and computing model, since the STT devices are unlikely to be drop-in replacements for CMOS. The potential of STT devices based computing will be best realized by considering new computing models that are inherently suited to the characteristics of STT devices, and new applications that are enabled by their unique capabilities, thereby attaining performance that CMOS cannot achieve. The goal of this research is to conduct synergistic exploration in architecture, circuit and device levels for Boolean and brain-inspired computing using nanoscale STT devices. Specifically, we first show that the non-volatile STT devices can be used in designing configurable Boolean logic blocks. We propose a spin-memristor threshold logic (SMTL) gate design, where memristive cross-bar array is used to perform current mode summation of binary inputs and the low power current mode spintronic threshold device carries out the energy efficient threshold operation. Next, for brain-inspired computing, we have exploited different spin-transfer torque device structures that can implement the hard-limiting and soft-limiting artificial neuron transfer functions respectively. We apply such STT based neuron (or ‘spin-neuron’) in various neural network architectures, such as hierarchical temporal memory and feed-forward neural network, for performing “human-like” cognitive computing, which show more than two orders of lower energy consumption compared to state of the art CMOS implementation. Finally, we show the dynamics of injection locked Spin Hall Effect Spin-Torque Oscillator (SHE-STO) cluster can be exploited as a robust multi-dimensional distance metric for associative computing, image/ video analysis, etc. Our simulation results show that the proposed system architecture with injection locked SHE-STOs and the associated CMOS interface circuits can be suitable for robust and energy efficient associative computing and pattern matching

    Low Power Memory/Memristor Devices and Systems

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    This reprint focusses on achieving low-power computation using memristive devices. The topic was designed as a convenient reference point: it contains a mix of techniques starting from the fundamental manufacturing of memristive devices all the way to applications such as physically unclonable functions, and also covers perspectives on, e.g., in-memory computing, which is inextricably linked with emerging memory devices such as memristors. Finally, the reprint contains a few articles representing how other communities (from typical CMOS design to photonics) are fighting on their own fronts in the quest towards low-power computation, as a comparison with the memristor literature. We hope that readers will enjoy discovering the articles within

    Harnessing noise to enhance robustness vs. efficiency trade-off in machine learning

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    While deep nets have achieved human-comparable accuracy in various classification tasks, they fall short significantly in terms of the robustness and cost metrics. For example, tiny engineered corruptions in deep net inputs can reduce their accuracy to zero. Furthermore, deep nets also require millions of trainable parameters, resulting in significant training and inference costs. These robustness and cost challenges are well recognized today. In response, there have been a plethora of works focusing on improving either the accuracy vs. robustness trade-off, or the accuracy vs. cost trade-off. However, simultaneous consideration of accuracy, robustness, and cost metrics is largely absent today, in part, because far fewer works have explored the robustness vs. cost trade-off. This dissertation aims to fill this gap by focusing explicitly on the robustness vs. cost trade-off in the presence of data noise, as well as hardware noise. Specifically, we explore how to harness the noise in order to enhance this trade-off. We characterize and improve robustness vs. cost trade-offs across diverse problem settings, ranging from beyond-CMOS hardware implementations of machine learning (ML) classifiers to efficient training of deep nets that are robust to multiple types of corruptions in their inputs. This dissertation can be roughly divided into two part, one focusing on hardware noise and the other on data noise. In the first part, we start by focusing on harnessing noise in spintronic hardware implementations, where the logic gates become error prone when operated at lower switching energy/delay. We propose techniques to shape the resulting hardware noise distribution and to efficiently compensate it at the system-level output. As a result, we observe 1000x improvement intolerance to gate-level switching error rates, while keeping the area/energy overhead of compensation circuits to as low as 15%. These robustness enhancements further enable 3× reduction in iso-throughput energy consumption of a binary ML classifier employed for EEG-based seizure detection. Building on this work, we propose spintronic channel networks, exponential decay of spin current to efficiently realize multi-bit dot product computation. We employ error-prone nanomagnets as efficient stochastic slicers biased by spin currents proportional to the likelihood of the classification decision. We achieve 112x-to-22.5x and 14x-to-2.5x higher energy-efficiency over conventional spin-based and 20 nm CMOS designs, respectively, when realizing 10-to-100-dimensional binary classifiers. Furthermore, we also consider the impact of hardware noise originated from process variations and readout circuits in in-memory computing implementations employing non-volatile resistive crossbar arrays. Based on our analysis, we identify design configurations achieving the highest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and further estimate how such robustness trades off with the array energy consumption. In the second part, we switch gears to improve the robustness vs. cost trade-off for deep nets in the presence of data noise. Specifically, we focus on the impact of adversarial perturbations in the deep nets inputs. We propose and validate the hypotheses about orientations of dominant subspaces of adversarial perturbations. We demonstrate how changes in the curvature of decision boundary of the deep nets affects the orientations of the adversarial perturbations. Based on these insights we demonstrate how shaped noise can be introduced as a feature to enhance robustness vs. cost trade-off in deep nets. Specifically, we propose shaped noise augmented processing (SNAP), a method to efficiently train deep nets that are robust to multiple types of adversarial perturbations, simultaneously. SNAP prepends a deep net with a shaped noise augmentation layer whose distribution is learned along with the network parameters using any established robust training framework. Based on extensive comparisons with nine state-of-the-art (SOTA) robust training frameworks, we show that SNAP achieves the best robustness vs. training cost trade-off. In particular, it enables 4x reduction in the training cost compared to the SOTA approach published just this last year. Furthermore, thanks to the computational simplicity of SNAP, it is the first technique of its kind that is scalable to large datasets, such as ImageNet

    Memristor-based design solutions for mitigating parametric variations in IoT applications

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    PhD ThesisRapid advancement of the internet of things (IoT) is predicated by two important factors of the electronic technology, namely device size and energy-efficiency. With smaller size comes the problem of process, voltage and temperature (PVT) variations of delays which are the key operational parameters of devices. Parametric variability is also an obstacle on the way to allowing devices to work in systems with unpredictable power sources, such as those powered by energy-harvesters. Designers tackle these problems holistically by developing new techniques such as asynchronous logic, where mechanisms such as matching delays are widely used to adapt to delay variations. To mitigate energy efficiency and power interruption issues the matching delays need to be ideally retained in a non-volatile storage. Meanwhile, a resistive memory called memristor becomes a promising component for power-restricted applications owing to its inherent non-volatility. While providing non-volatility, the use of memristor in delay matching incurs some power overheads. This creates the first challenge on the way of introducing memristors into IoT devices for the delay matching. Another important factor affecting the use of memristors in IoT devices is the dependence of the memristor value on temperature. For example, a memristance decoder used in the memristor-based components must be able to correct the read data without incurring significant overheads on the overall system. This creates the second challenge for overcoming the temperature effect in memristance decoding process. In this research, we propose methods for improving PVT tolerance and energy characteristics of IoT devices from the perspective of above two main challenges: (i) utilising memristor to enhance the energy efficiency of the delay element (DE), and (ii) improving the temperature awareness and energy robustness of the memristance decoder. For memristor-based delay element (MemDE), we applied a memristor between two inverters to vary the path resistance, which determines the RC delay. This allows power saving due to the low number of switching components and the absence of external delay storage. We also investigate a solution for avoiding the unintended tuning (UT) and a timing model to estimate the proper pulse width for memristance tuning. The simulation results based on UMC 180nm technology and VTEAM model show the MemDE can provide the delay between 0.55ns and 1.44ns which is compatible to the 4-bit multiplexerbased delay element (MuxDE) in the same technology while consuming thirteen times less power. The key contribution within (i) is the development of low-power MemDE to mitigate the timing mismatch caused by PVT variations. To estimate the temperature effect on memristance, we develop an empirical temperature model which fits both titanium dioxide and silver chalcogenide memristors. The temperature experiments are conducted using the latter device, and the results confirm the validity of the proposed model with the accuracy R-squared >88%. The memristance decoder is designed to deliver two key advantages. Firstly, the temperature model is integrated into the VTEAM model to enable the temperature compensation. Secondly, it supports resolution scalability to match the energy budget. The simulation results of the 2-bit decoder based on UMC 65nm technology show the energy can be varied between 49fJ and 98fJ. This is the second major contribution to address the challenge (ii). This thesis gives future research directions into an in-depth study of the memristive electronics as a variation-robust energy-efficient design paradigm and its impact on developing future IoT applications.sponsored by the Royal Thai Governmen

    Cellular Automata

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    Modelling and simulation are disciplines of major importance for science and engineering. There is no science without models, and simulation has nowadays become a very useful tool, sometimes unavoidable, for development of both science and engineering. The main attractive feature of cellular automata is that, in spite of their conceptual simplicity which allows an easiness of implementation for computer simulation, as a detailed and complete mathematical analysis in principle, they are able to exhibit a wide variety of amazingly complex behaviour. This feature of cellular automata has attracted the researchers' attention from a wide variety of divergent fields of the exact disciplines of science and engineering, but also of the social sciences, and sometimes beyond. The collective complex behaviour of numerous systems, which emerge from the interaction of a multitude of simple individuals, is being conveniently modelled and simulated with cellular automata for very different purposes. In this book, a number of innovative applications of cellular automata models in the fields of Quantum Computing, Materials Science, Cryptography and Coding, and Robotics and Image Processing are presented