2 research outputs found

    Composite Logconcave Sampling with a Restricted Gaussian Oracle

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    We consider sampling from composite densities on Rd\mathbb{R}^d of the form dπ(x)exp(f(x)g(x))dxd\pi(x) \propto \exp(-f(x) - g(x))dx for well-conditioned ff and convex (but possibly non-smooth) gg, a family generalizing restrictions to a convex set, through the abstraction of a restricted Gaussian oracle. For ff with condition number κ\kappa, our algorithm runs in O(κ2dlog2κdϵ)O \left(\kappa^2 d \log^2\tfrac{\kappa d}{\epsilon}\right) iterations, each querying a gradient of ff and a restricted Gaussian oracle, to achieve total variation distance ϵ\epsilon. The restricted Gaussian oracle, which draws samples from a distribution whose negative log-likelihood sums a quadratic and gg, has been previously studied and is a natural extension of the proximal oracle used in composite optimization. Our algorithm is conceptually simple and obtains stronger provable guarantees and greater generality than existing methods for composite sampling. We conduct experiments showing our algorithm vastly improves upon the hit-and-run algorithm for sampling the restriction of a (non-diagonal) Gaussian to the positive orthant

    Structured Logconcave Sampling with a Restricted Gaussian Oracle

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    We give algorithms for sampling several structured logconcave families to high accuracy. We further develop a reduction framework, inspired by proximal point methods in convex optimization, which bootstraps samplers for regularized densities to improve dependences on problem conditioning. A key ingredient in our framework is the notion of a "restricted Gaussian oracle" (RGO) for g:RdRg: \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, which is a sampler for distributions whose negative log-likelihood sums a quadratic and gg. By combining our reduction framework with our new samplers, we obtain the following bounds for sampling structured distributions to total variation distance ϵ\epsilon. For composite densities exp(f(x)g(x))\exp(-f(x) - g(x)), where ff has condition number κ\kappa and convex (but possibly non-smooth) gg admits an RGO, we obtain a mixing time of O(κdlog3κdϵ)O(\kappa d \log^3\frac{\kappa d}{\epsilon}), matching the state-of-the-art non-composite bound; no composite samplers with better mixing than general-purpose logconcave samplers were previously known. For logconcave finite sums exp(F(x))\exp(-F(x)), where F(x)=1ni[n]fi(x)F(x) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i \in [n]} f_i(x) has condition number κ\kappa, we give a sampler querying O~(n+κmax(d,nd))\widetilde{O}(n + \kappa\max(d, \sqrt{nd})) gradient oracles to {fi}i[n]\{f_i\}_{i \in [n]}; no high-accuracy samplers with nontrivial gradient query complexity were previously known. For densities with condition number κ\kappa, we give an algorithm obtaining mixing time O(κdlog2κdϵ)O(\kappa d \log^2\frac{\kappa d}{\epsilon}), improving the prior state-of-the-art by a logarithmic factor with a significantly simpler analysis; we also show a zeroth-order algorithm attains the same query complexity.Comment: 58 pages. The results of Section 5 of this paper, as well as an empirical evaluation, appeared earlier as arXiv:2006.05976. This version fixes an error in the proof of Theorem 1, see Section 1.