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    Composici贸n corporal y consumo m谩ximo de ox铆geno en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Villavicencio

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    In order to correlate body composition with maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in a sample of university students from the city of Villavicencio, Colombia, an observational, prospective study was carried out with descriptive and correlational cross-sectional coverage in a sample of 390 subjects (190 men and 200 women) from four institutions of higher education (HEI), with an average age of 21.54 卤 4 years. Weight, height, skin folds (triceps, subscapular, middle leg) and abdominal perimeter were measured and BMI, fat percentage with the ISAK and VO2max protocols were measured with the Queen鈥檚 CollegeStep Test. The data were treated with SPSS version 20 in Spanish. It was endorsed by the Bioethics Committee of the University of the Llanos. Participants signed informed consent. The results showed that 20.7% were overweight, 3.3% were obese and 9%were underweight; the VO2max was in an average of 38.4 mL/kg/min, a minimum of 19 mL/kg/min and a maximum of 78 mL/kg/min. The correlation between BMI and VO2max was Rho = -0.511, P = 0.000; by the Pearson coefficient, data which argue that the excess of weight negatively alters the percentage of VO2max. The evaluated sample for the underweight showed a higher percentage in men than in women; the lowest normal weight was found in men, as well as the percentage of overweight. These data reveal the group of men, who were more inclined towards the less favorable extremes according to thenormal categories expressed by the WHO.Con el objetivo de relacionar la composici贸n corporal con el consumo m谩ximo de ox铆geno (VO2max) en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Villavicencio, Colombia, se realiz贸 un estudio observacional, prospectivo, con alcance descriptivo y correlacional de corte transversal, en una muestra de 390 sujetos (190 hombres y 200 mujeres) de cuatro instituciones de educaci贸n superior (IES), con una edad media de 21,54 卤 4, a帽os. Fueron medidos peso, talla, pliegues cut谩neos (tricipital, subescapular, pierna media) y per铆metro abdominal y calculados IMC, porcentaje de grasa con los protocolos ISAK y VO2max con el Queen鈥檚 College Step Test. Los datos fueron tratados con el programa SPSS, versi贸n 20, en espa帽ol. Se cont贸 con el aval del comit茅 de bio茅tica de la Universidad de los Llanos. Los participantes firmaron un  consentimiento informado. Los resultados arrojaron que un 20,7% present贸 sobrepeso, 3,3% obesidad y 9% infrapeso; el VO2max estuvo en una media de 38,4 mL/kg/min, un m铆nimo de 19 mL/kg/min y un m谩ximo de 78 mL/kg/min. La muestra evaluada respecto al infrapeso evidenci贸 un mayor porcentaje en hombres que en mujeres; el peso normal m谩s bajo se ubic贸 en hombres; de igual forma, el porcentaje de sobrepeso se encontr贸 en hombres. Estos datos dejan en evidencia al grupo de los hombres, que estuvieron m谩s inclinados hacia los extremos menos favorables de acuerdo con las categor铆as normales que expresa la OMS