1 research outputs found

    Complexity scalable intra‐prediction mode decision algorithm for mobile video applications

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    The full search scheme employed in H.264/AVC significantly improves the coding performance, but it also introduces a very high computational complexity which limits the applications in resource-constrained mobile devices. In this study, the authors firstly present a discretisation total variation and orientation gradient-based hierarchical intra-prediction mode decision method for mobile video applications. By shrinking the candidate mode set in the rate-distortion optimisation (RDO) process, the proposed algorithm reduces the computational complexity and power consumption of the encoder. Furthermore, they extend the hierarchical algorithm to a complexity scalable version in which the coding complexity is measured on five levels by reserving various numbers of modes for RDO. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed mode decision algorithm reduces the coding complexity significantly with negligible performance degradation and the proposed complexity scalable algorithm is effective and efficient for mobile video application