397 research outputs found

    Capacity-Achieving Ensembles of Accumulate-Repeat-Accumulate Codes for the Erasure Channel with Bounded Complexity

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    The paper introduces ensembles of accumulate-repeat-accumulate (ARA) codes which asymptotically achieve capacity on the binary erasure channel (BEC) with {\em bounded complexity}, per information bit, of encoding and decoding. It also introduces symmetry properties which play a central role in the construction of capacity-achieving ensembles for the BEC with bounded complexity. The results here improve on the tradeoff between performance and complexity provided by previous constructions of capacity-achieving ensembles of codes defined on graphs. The superiority of ARA codes with moderate to large block length is exemplified by computer simulations which compare their performance with those of previously reported capacity-achieving ensembles of LDPC and IRA codes. The ARA codes also have the advantage of being systematic.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, December 1st, 2005. Includes 50 pages and 13 figure

    Capacity-Achieving Codes with Bounded Graphical Complexity on Noisy Channels

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    We introduce a new family of concatenated codes with an outer low-density parity-check (LDPC) code and an inner low-density generator matrix (LDGM) code, and prove that these codes can achieve capacity under any memoryless binary-input output-symmetric (MBIOS) channel using maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding with bounded graphical complexity, i.e., the number of edges per information bit in their graphical representation is bounded. In particular, we also show that these codes can achieve capacity on the binary erasure channel (BEC) under belief propagation (BP) decoding with bounded decoding complexity per information bit per iteration for all erasure probabilities in (0, 1). By deriving and analyzing the average weight distribution (AWD) and the corresponding asymptotic growth rate of these codes with a rate-1 inner LDGM code, we also show that these codes achieve the Gilbert-Varshamov bound with asymptotically high probability. This result can be attributed to the presence of the inner rate-1 LDGM code, which is demonstrated to help eliminate high weight codewords in the LDPC code while maintaining a vanishingly small amount of low weight codewords.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. This paper is to be presented in the 43rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, Sept. 28-30, 200

    Capacity-achieving ensembles for the binary erasure channel with bounded complexity

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    We present two sequences of ensembles of non-systematic irregular repeat-accumulate codes which asymptotically (as their block length tends to infinity) achieve capacity on the binary erasure channel (BEC) with bounded complexity per information bit. This is in contrast to all previous constructions of capacity-achieving sequences of ensembles whose complexity grows at least like the log of the inverse of the gap (in rate) to capacity. The new bounded complexity result is achieved by puncturing bits, and allowing in this way a sufficient number of state nodes in the Tanner graph representing the codes. We also derive an information-theoretic lower bound on the decoding complexity of randomly punctured codes on graphs. The bound holds for every memoryless binary-input output-symmetric channel and is refined for the BEC.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Spatially-Coupled MacKay-Neal Codes and Hsu-Anastasopoulos Codes

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    Kudekar et al. recently proved that for transmission over the binary erasure channel (BEC), spatial coupling of LDPC codes increases the BP threshold of the coupled ensemble to the MAP threshold of the underlying LDPC codes. One major drawback of the capacity-achieving spatially-coupled LDPC codes is that one needs to increase the column and row weight of parity-check matrices of the underlying LDPC codes. It is proved, that Hsu-Anastasopoulos (HA) codes and MacKay-Neal (MN) codes achieve the capacity of memoryless binary-input symmetric-output channels under MAP decoding with bounded column and row weight of the parity-check matrices. The HA codes and the MN codes are dual codes each other. The aim of this paper is to present an empirical evidence that spatially-coupled MN (resp. HA) codes with bounded column and row weight achieve the capacity of the BEC. To this end, we introduce a spatial coupling scheme of MN (resp. HA) codes. By density evolution analysis, we will show that the resulting spatially-coupled MN (resp. HA) codes have the BP threshold close to the Shannon limit.Comment: Corrected typos in degree distributions \nu and \mu of MN and HA code

    Fingerprinting with Minimum Distance Decoding

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    This work adopts an information theoretic framework for the design of collusion-resistant coding/decoding schemes for digital fingerprinting. More specifically, the minimum distance decision rule is used to identify 1 out of t pirates. Achievable rates, under this detection rule, are characterized in two distinct scenarios. First, we consider the averaging attack where a random coding argument is used to show that the rate 1/2 is achievable with t=2 pirates. Our study is then extended to the general case of arbitrary tt highlighting the underlying complexity-performance tradeoff. Overall, these results establish the significant performance gains offered by minimum distance decoding as compared to other approaches based on orthogonal codes and correlation detectors. In the second scenario, we characterize the achievable rates, with minimum distance decoding, under any collusion attack that satisfies the marking assumption. For t=2 pirates, we show that the rate 1−H(0.25)≈0.1881-H(0.25)\approx 0.188 is achievable using an ensemble of random linear codes. For t≥3t\geq 3, the existence of a non-resolvable collusion attack, with minimum distance decoding, for any non-zero rate is established. Inspired by our theoretical analysis, we then construct coding/decoding schemes for fingerprinting based on the celebrated Belief-Propagation framework. Using an explicit repeat-accumulate code, we obtain a vanishingly small probability of misidentification at rate 1/3 under averaging attack with t=2. For collusion attacks which satisfy the marking assumption, we use a more sophisticated accumulate repeat accumulate code to obtain a vanishingly small misidentification probability at rate 1/9 with t=2. These results represent a marked improvement over the best available designs in the literature.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    Multiplicatively Repeated Non-Binary LDPC Codes

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    We propose non-binary LDPC codes concatenated with multiplicative repetition codes. By multiplicatively repeating the (2,3)-regular non-binary LDPC mother code of rate 1/3, we construct rate-compatible codes of lower rates 1/6, 1/9, 1/12,... Surprisingly, such simple low-rate non-binary LDPC codes outperform the best low-rate binary LDPC codes so far. Moreover, we propose the decoding algorithm for the proposed codes, which can be decoded with almost the same computational complexity as that of the mother code.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On Universal Properties of Capacity-Approaching LDPC Ensembles

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    This paper is focused on the derivation of some universal properties of capacity-approaching low-density parity-check (LDPC) code ensembles whose transmission takes place over memoryless binary-input output-symmetric (MBIOS) channels. Properties of the degree distributions, graphical complexity and the number of fundamental cycles in the bipartite graphs are considered via the derivation of information-theoretic bounds. These bounds are expressed in terms of the target block/ bit error probability and the gap (in rate) to capacity. Most of the bounds are general for any decoding algorithm, and some others are proved under belief propagation (BP) decoding. Proving these bounds under a certain decoding algorithm, validates them automatically also under any sub-optimal decoding algorithm. A proper modification of these bounds makes them universal for the set of all MBIOS channels which exhibit a given capacity. Bounds on the degree distributions and graphical complexity apply to finite-length LDPC codes and to the asymptotic case of an infinite block length. The bounds are compared with capacity-approaching LDPC code ensembles under BP decoding, and they are shown to be informative and are easy to calculate. Finally, some interesting open problems are considered.Comment: Published in the IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 2956 - 2990, July 200
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