1 research outputs found

    Complex System Prototyping Using Environment Abstraction

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    : A Rapid prototyping method for parallel systems is presented. The aim of our approach is to provide a rapid prototyping tool. Source formalism consists of coloured Petri nets. These allow powerful modelization and rely on a strong theoretical basis from which behavioural validation can be inferred. One major problem of Rapid Prototyping is environment integration. We propose a method which allows such integration. This paper presents our methodology and illustrates it on a toy example. Key-words : Rapid prototyping, Ada, Parallel systems. 1. INTRODUCTION The firms having to design and produce distributed or parallel systems use coherent sets of tools to express specifications, satisfy corresponding properties and generate programs adapted to target architectures. One purpose of our research is to define methods and techniques and to implement tools that cover the software life cycles for distributed or parallel systems, particularly rapid prototyping. Automatization of protot..