160 research outputs found

    Experiences In Migrating An Industrial Application To Aspects

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    Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a paradigm aiming to solve problems of object-oriented programming (OOP). With normal OOP it’s often unlikely to accomplish fine system modularity due to crosscutting concerns being scattered and tangled throughout the system. AOSD resolves this problem by its capability to crosscut the regular code and as a consequence transfer the crosscutting concerns to a single model called aspect. This thesis describes an experiment on industrial application wherein the effectiveness of aspect-oriented techniques is explained in migration the OOP application into aspects. The experiment goals at first to identify the crosscutting concerns in source code of the industrial application and transform these concerns to a functionally equivalent aspect-oriented version. In addition to presenting experiences gained through the experiment, the thesis aims to provide practical guidance of aspect solutions in a real application

    An experimental study of the effectiveness of Panorama as a maintenance tool

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    It is a well known fact that the amount of time and money spent debugging and maintaining software far outstrips the amount spent developing it. Reports suggest that a majority of this effort is related to information-seeking, concept-location, and software comprehension. In addition to being inherently complex activities, these problems are exacerbated due to the fact that the original developers are often unavailable to help with the maintenance activities. To perform a maintenance task programmers first form dynamic and static mental models of the program based on their prior knowledge of programming and on information available about the program. Aside from high level design documents, Javadoc-like documentation has been the primary means of obtaining such information about programs. There are two severe shortcomings of this form of documentation: a) as recognized by proponents of AOP, the code for many of the concerns of interest to the maintainer are scattered across different classes and files and b) there are a lot of classes and files for large systems leading to information overload and it is very hard and time-consuming to identify the few segments of code and documentation that are relevant for a specific maintenance activity. To address these problems, we have developed an Eclipse plug-in, Panorama, which allow master developers to document sections of code related to a specific developer concern and provides ways to make such information readily available to maintainers. This tool helps directly with information-seeking, concept location, and software comprehension activities and focuses maintainer\u27s attention on the specific code and guidance necessary for a particular task. To validate the tool and our approach, we conducted an experimental study with 19 subjects assigning them several maintenance tasks on a fairly complex application (a multi-user Poker game). The study showed that the experimental group who had access to Panorama was able to complete more maintenance tasks in less time than the control group who did not have access to the tool. In addition, preliminary results indicate that the tool will have more impact on productivity of persons new to the application and programming environment than on experts

    AspectMaps: Extending Moose to visualize AOP software

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    International audienceWhen using aspect-oriented programming the application implicitly invokes the functionality contained in the aspects. Consequently program comprehension of such a software is more intricate. To alleviate this difficulty we developed the AspectMaps visualization and tool. AspectMaps extends the Moose program comprehension and reverse engineering platform with support for aspects, and is implemented using facilities provided by Moose. In this paper we present the AspectMaps tool, and show how it can be used by performing an exploration of a fairly large aspect-oriented application. We then show how we extended the FAMIX meta-model family that underpins Moose to also provide support for aspects. This extension is called ASPIX, and thanks to this enhancement Moose can now also treat aspect-oriented software. Finally, we report on our experiences using some of the tools in Moose; Mondrian to implement the visualization, and Glamour to build the user interface. We discuss how we were able to implement a sizable visualization tool using them and how we were able to deal with some of their limitations. Note: This paper uses colors extensively. Please use a color version to better understand the ideas presented here

    Early aspects: aspect-oriented requirements engineering and architecture design

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    This paper reports on the third Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Workshop, which has been held in Lancaster, UK, on March 21, 2004. The workshop included a presentation session and working sessions in which the particular topics on early aspects were discussed. The primary goal of the workshop was to focus on challenges to defining methodical software development processes for aspects from early on in the software life cycle and explore the potential of proposed methods and techniques to scale up to industrial applications

    Identifying aspects using fan-in analysis

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    The issues of code scattering and tangling, thus of achieving a better modularity for a system's concerns, are addressed by the paradigm of aspect orientation. Aspect mining is a reverse engineering process that aims at finding crosscutting concerns in existing systems. This paper describes a technique based on determining methods that are called from many different places (and hence have a high 'fan-in') to identify candidate aspects in a number of open-source Java systems. The most interesting aspects identified are discussed in detail, which includes several concerns not previously discussed in the aspect-oriented literature. The results show that a significant number of aspects can be recognized using fan-in analysis, and that the technique is suitable for a high degree of automatio
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