98 research outputs found

    Integer codes correcting sparse byte errors

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    In public optical networks, the data are scrambled with a xu + 1 self-synchronous scramblers (SSSs). The reason for this is to avoid long strings of ones or zeros, which might affect the receiver synchronization. Unfortunately, the use of SSSs is always related to the problem of duplication of channel errors. More precisely, each error occurring during the transmission will be duplicated u bits later. In this paper, we present a low-cost solution to this problem based on integer codes capable of correcting sparse byte errors.Radonjic, A., Vujicic, V., 2019. Integer codes correcting sparse byte errors. Cryptogr. Commun. 11, 1069–1077. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s12095-019-0350-9

    Integer Codes Correcting Double Errors and Triple-Adjacent Errors Within a Byte

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    This article presents a class of integer codes that are suitable for use in optical computer networks in which the data are transmitted serially. The presented codes are constructed with the help of a computer and have three desirable properties. First, they use integer and lookup table operations, which make them suitable for software implementation. Second, depending on the application requirements, the proposed codes can be used as low-rate error correction (EC) codes or as high-rate error detection (ED) codes. In the EC mode, which is suited for realtime applications, the receiver can correct all single and double errors, as well as all triple-adjacent (TA) errors within one b-bit byte. On the other hand, if the integrity of data is of high importance, the receiver may operate in the ED mode. In that case, it is able to detect all quadruple errors, all double TA errors within one b-bit byte, and all double TA errors within two b-bit bytes. Finally, it is important to note that the presented codes can be interleaved without delay and without using any additional hardware. Owing to this, it is possible to construct simple codes capable of detecting/correcting multiple TA and random errors.This is the peer-reviewed version of the paper: Radonjic, A., 2020. Integer Codes Correcting Double Errors and Triple-Adjacent Errors Within a Byte. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 28, 1901–1908. [https://doi.org/10.1109/TVLSI.2020.2998364]© 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Published version: [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_9991

    Integer Asymmetric Error Control Codes for Short-Range Optical Networks

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    In most communication networks, error probabilities 1 → 0 and 0 → 1 are equally likely to occur. However, in short-range optical networks (SRONs), such as local and access networks, this is not the case. In these networks, photons may fade or fail to be detected, but new photons cannot be generated. Hence, if the receiver operates correctly, only asymmetric (1 → 0) errors can occur. Motivated by this fact, the authors of this chapter have constructed four classes of integer codes capable of correcting various types of asymmetric errors. The most attractive feature of all these codes is their ability to be implemented "for free" (in software). This is achieved by using integer and lookup table operations, which are supported by all processors. The aim of this chapter is to overview four classes of integer asymmetric codes and to illustrate their potential for use in modern SRONs. Topics covered include: fundamentals in the design of integer codes, necessary and sufficient conditions for constructing integer asymmetric codes and the processor-based strategy for implementation of these codes

    Design of IoT temperature sensor for LoRa network

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es implementar una solución válida para un proyecto de IoT basado en un LM35 (sensor de temperatura), que proporciona los datos que se transmitirán a través de una WAN LoRa, y un módulo, el TTGO LoRa Wifi V1. Esté módulo está formado por: el chip ESP32, un OLED controlado por el SSD1306 y un transceptor LoRa controlada por el SX1276. La transmisión de RF tendrá lugar en la banda de la UE reservada para la tecnología LoRa, 868 MHz. Y los paquetes LoRa WAN serán enviados a un Gateway LoRa que los redirigirá a la nube a nuestra aplicación en línea. Después de todo, esta aplicación, que se hará en línea con la plataforma TheThingsNetwork.org, tendrá el deber de gestionar el paquete que recibe decodificarlos y proporcionar un entorno fácil de usar para mostrar estos datos para nosotros, y la información de la misma.Departamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de FabricaciónGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Islam & International Criminal Law: A Brief (In) Compatibility Study

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    This paper explores why that incompatibility between Islam and international criminal law persists and considers recommendations for mitigating that dynamic. Why is this important? Primarily because the Western-influenced international criminal law apparatus and the Muslim world are likely to collide more often in the future. If a war crimes tribunal is established in Afghanistan, or if the trial of Syrian agents for the assassination of Lebanon’s former prime minister goes forward, it is imperative that Islamic societies touched by those processes feel a sense of “buy-in” or participation that is meaningful for them. Otherwise, it becomes the same old story of Western domination over conflicting Muslim interests, and that story only breeds more resentment and even hatred

    Taming Wireless Fluctuations by Predictive Queuing Using a Sparse-Coding Link-State Model

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    We introduce State-Informed Link-Layer Queuing (SILQ), a system that models, predicts, and avoids packet delivery failures due to temporary wireless outages in everyday scenarios. By stabilizing connections in adverse link conditions, SILQ boosts throughput and reduces performance variation for network applications, for example by preventing unnecessary TCP timeouts caused by dead zones, elevators, and subway tunnels. SILQ makes predictions in real-time by actively probing links, matching measurements to an overcomplete dictionary of patterns learned offline, and classifying the resulting sparse feature vectors to identify those that precede outages. We use a clustering method called sparse coding to build our data-driven link model, and show that it produces more variation-tolerant predictions than traditional loss-rate, location-based, or Markov chain techniques. We present extensive data collection and field-validation of SILQ in airborne, indoor, and urban scenarios of practical interest. We show how offline unsupervised learning discovers link-state patterns that are stable across diverse networks and signal-propagation environments. Using these canonical primitives, we train outage predictors for 802.11 (Wi-Fi) and 3G cellular networks to demonstrate TCP throughput gains of 4x with off-the-shelf mobile devices. SILQ addresses delivery failures solely at the link layer, requires no new hardware, and upholds the end-to-end design principle, enabling easy integration across applications, devices, and networks.Engineering and Applied Science
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