1 research outputs found

    Construction of Four Completely Independent Spanning Trees on Augmented Cubes

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    Let T1, T2,..., Tk be spanning trees in a graph G. If for any pair of vertices {u, v} of G, the paths between u and v in every Ti( 0 < i < k+1) do not contain common edges and common vertices, except the vertices u and v, then T1, T2,..., Tk are called completely independent spanning trees in G. The n-dimensional augmented cube, denoted as AQn, a variation of the hypercube possesses several embeddable properties that the hypercube and its variations do not possess. For AQn (n > 5), construction of 4 completely independent spanning trees of which two trees with diameters 2n - 5 and two trees with diameters 2n - 3 are given