13 research outputs found

    Uniform Interpolation for Coalgebraic Fixpoint Logic

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    Completeness for Coalgebraic Fixpoint Logic

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    Weak MSO: Automata and Expressiveness Modulo Bisimilarity

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    We prove that the bisimulation-invariant fragment of weak monadic second-order logic (WMSO) is equivalent to the fragment of the modal μ\mu-calculus where the application of the least fixpoint operator μp.φ\mu p.\varphi is restricted to formulas φ\varphi that are continuous in pp. Our proof is automata-theoretic in nature; in particular, we introduce a class of automata characterizing the expressive power of WMSO over tree models of arbitrary branching degree. The transition map of these automata is defined in terms of a logic FOE1\mathrm{FOE}_1^\infty that is the extension of first-order logic with a generalized quantifier \exists^\infty, where x.ϕ\exists^\infty x. \phi means that there are infinitely many objects satisfying ϕ\phi. An important part of our work consists of a model-theoretic analysis of FOE1\mathrm{FOE}_1^\infty.Comment: Technical Report, 57 page

    Moss' logic for ordered coalgebras

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    We present a finitary coalgebraic logic for TT-coalgebras, where TT is a locally monotone endofunctor of the category of posets and monotone maps that preserves exact squares and finite intersections. The logic uses a single cover modality whose arity is given by the dual of the coalgebra functor TT, and the semantics of the modality is given by relation lifting. For the finitary setting to work, we need to develop a notion of a base for subobjects of TXTX. This in particular allows us to talk about a finite poset of subformulas for a given formula, and of a finite poset of successors for a given state in a coalgebra. The notion of a base is introduced generally for a category equipped with a suitable factorisation system. We prove that the resulting logic has the Hennessy-Milner property for the notion of similarity based on the notion of relation lifting. We define a sequent proof system for the logic and prove its completeness

    The Power of the Weak

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    A landmark result in the study of logics for formal verification is Janin and Walukiewicz’s theorem, stating that the modal μ-calculus (μML) is equivalent modulo bisimilarity to standard monadic second-order logic (here abbreviated as SMSO) over the class of labelled transition systems (LTSs for short). Our work proves two results of the same kind, one for the alternation-free or noetherian fragment μNML of μML on the modal side and one for WMSO, weak monadic second-order logic, on the second-order side. In the setting of binary trees, with explicit functions accessing the left and right successor of a node, it was known that WMSO is equivalent to the appropriate version of alternation-free μ-calculus. Our analysis shows that the picture changes radically once we consider, as Janin and Walukiewicz did, the standard modal μ-calculus, interpreted over arbitrary LTSs. The first theorem that we prove is that, over LTSs, μNML is equivalent modulo bisimilarity to noetherian MSO (NMSO), a newly introduced variant of SMSO where second-order quantification ranges over “conversely well-founded” subsets only. Our second theorem starts from WMSO and proves it equivalent modulo bisimilarity to a fragment of μNML defined by a notion of continuity. Analogously to Janin and Walukiewicz’s result, our proofs are automata-theoretic in nature: As another contribution, we introduce classes of parity automata characterising the expressiveness of WMSO and NMSO (on tree models) and of μCML and μNML (for all transition systems)

    Completeness for the coalgebraic cover modality

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    Generalised powerlocales via relation lifting

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    This paper introduces an endofunctor VT on the category of frames that is parametrised by an endofunctor T on the category Set that satisfies certain constraints. This generalises Johnstone's construction of the Vietoris powerlocale in the sense that his construction is obtained by taking for T the finite covariant power set functor. Our construction of the T-powerlocale VT out of a frame is based on ideas from coalgebraic logic and makes explicit the connection between the Vietoris construction and Moss's coalgebraic cover modality.We show how to extend certain natural transformations between set functors to natural transformations between T-powerlocale functors. Finally, we prove that the operation VT preserves some properties of frames, such as regularity, zero-dimensionality and the combination of zero-dimensionality and compactness.</jats:p

    Moss' logic for ordered coalgebras

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    We present a finitary version of Moss' coalgebraic logic for TT-coalgebras, where TT is a locally monotone endofunctor of the category of posets and monotone maps. The logic uses a single cover modality whose arity is given by the least finitary subfunctor of the dual of the coalgebra functor TωT_\omega^\partial, and the semantics of the modality is given by relation lifting. For the semantics to work, TT is required to preserve exact squares. For the finitary setting to work, TωT_\omega^\partial is required to preserve finite intersections. We develop a notion of a base for subobjects of TωXT_\omega X. This in particular allows us to talk about the finite poset of subformulas for a given formula. The notion of a base is introduced generally for a category equipped with a suitable factorisation system. We prove that the resulting logic has the Hennessy-Milner property for the notion of similarity based on the notion of relation lifting. We define a sequent proof system for the logic, and prove its completeness