2 research outputs found

    Compiler Reduction of Invalidation Traffic in Virtual Shared Memory Systems

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    . This paper presents new compiler analysis for the elimination of invalidation traffic in virtual shared memory, using a hybrid distributed invalidation coherence scheme. The invalidation and acknowledgement messages are removed; this reduces both network invalidation traffic and the latency of a write fault. It aggressively exploits the SPMD execution model and uses array section analysis to accurately determine only those instances when invalidation is necessary, thus avoiding the additional read misses of previous schemes. Equations determining precisely what data should be invalidated are presented and translated into a form amenable to compiler analysis. Preliminary experimental results on a 30 node prototype architecture demonstrate the performance attainable using this scheme. 1 Introduction Virtual shared memory (VSM) systems provide a shared address space on distributed memory architectures. A shared memory programming model is attractive because it is simple to program, thu..

    Compiler reduction of invalidation traffic in virtual shared memory systems

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