4 research outputs found

    The impact of technical parameters on the perception quality of three-dimensional content

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    The growth of three-dimensional visualizations and information is increasing over time, and in addition to that, technology is offering new methods, i.e. models and ways of meeting the needs of visual communication. When using the rotating linear screen, for the best results, it is necessary to be familiar with the real performance of the device. The parameters tested on forty examinees are distance, the angle of view and the impact of the background colour. The purpose was to define the optimal parameters for the device to provide visual information. The conducted test has shown that the devices have a smaller view angle than stated and that the distance needs to be greater because of low resolution and low pixel density on the screen surface, which results in small unilluminated gaps that create unwanted lines during the projection. The effect that the background has on the 3D simulation of the hologram has also been tested and it was determined that the black background in comparison to the white one is much better, as the contrast is more pronounced

    Multimodal Dataset for Assessment of Quality of Experience in Immersive Multimedia

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    This paper presents a novel multimodal dataset for the analysis of Quality of Experience (QoE) in emerging immersive multimedia technologies. In particular, the perceived Sense of Presence (SoP) induced by one-minute long video stimuli is explored with respect to content, quality, resolution and sound reproduction, and annotated with subjective scores. Furthermore, a complementary analysis of the acquired physiological signals, such as Electroencephalography (EEG), Electrocardiography (ECG), and respiration is carried out, aiming at an alternative evaluation of human experience while consuming immersive multimedia. Presented results conrm the value of the introduced dataset and its consistency for the purposes of QoE assessment for immersive multimedia. More specically, subjective ratings demonstrate that the created dataset enables distinction between low and high levels of immersiveness, which is also conrmed by a preliminary analysis of recorded physiological signals

    SRQM:A Video Quality Metric for Spatial Resolution Adaptation

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