4 research outputs found

    Comparing LDA with pLSI as a Dimensionality Reduction Method in Document Clustering

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    In this paper, we compare latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) with probabilistic latent semantic indexing (pLSI) as a dimensionality reduction method and investigate their effectiveness in document clustering by using real-world document sets. For clustering of documents, we use a method based on multinomial mixture, which is known as an efficient framework for text mining. Clustering results are evaluated by F-measure, i.e., harmonic mean of precision and recall. We use Japanese and Korean Web articles for evaluation and regard the category assigned to each Web article as the ground truth for the evaluation of clustering results. Our experiment shows that the dimensionality reduction via LDA and pLSI results in document clusters of almost the same quality as those obtained by using original feature vectors. Therefore, we can reduce the vector dimension without degrading cluster quality. Further, both LDA and pLSI are more effective than random projection, the baseline method in our experiment. However, our experiment provides no meaningful difference between LDA and pLSI. This result suggests that LDA does not replace pLSI at least for dimensionality reduction in document clustering.The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comLarge-scale Knowledge Resources: Construction and Application - Third International Conference on Large-scale Knowledge Resources, Lkr 2008, Tokyo, Japan, March 3-5, 2008, Proceeding

    Fast and modular regularized topic modelling

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    Topic modelling is an area of text mining that has been actively developed in the last 15 years. A probabilistic topic model extracts a set of hidden topics from a collection of text documents. It defines each topic by a probability distribution over words and describes each document with a probability distribution over topics. In applications, there are often many requirements, such as, for example, problem-specific knowledge and additional data, to be taken into account. Therefore, it is natural for topic modelling to be considered a multiobjective optimization problem. However, historically, Bayesian learning became the most popular approach for topic modelling. In the Bayesian paradigm, all requirements are formalized in terms of a probabilistic generative process. This approach is not always convenient due to some limitations and technical difficulties. In this work, we develop a non-Bayesian multiobjective approach called the Additive Regularization of Topic Models (ARTM). It is based on regularized Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), and we show that many of the well-known Bayesian topic models can be re-formulated in a much simpler way using the regularization point of view. We review some of the most important types of topic models: multimodal, multilingual, temporal, hierarchical, graph-based, and short-text. The ARTM framework enables easy combination of different types of models to create new models with the desired properties for applications. This modular “lego-style” technology for topic modelling is implemented in the open-source library BigARTM

    Is operational research in UK universities fit-for-purpose for the growing field of analytics?

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    Over the last decade considerable interest has been generated into the use of analytical methods in organisations. Along with this, many have reported a significant gap between organisational demand for analytical-trained staff, and the number of potential recruits qualified for such roles. This interest is of high relevance to the operational research discipline, both in terms of raising the profile of the field, as well as in the teaching and training of graduates to fill these roles. However, what is less clear, is the extent to which operational research teaching in universities, or indeed teaching on the various courses labelled as analytics , are offering a curriculum that can prepare graduates for these roles. It is within this space that this research is positioned, specifically seeking to analyse the suitability of current provisions, limited to master s education in UK universities, and to make recommendations on how curricula may be developed. To do so, a mixed methods research design, in the pragmatic tradition, is presented. This includes a variety of research instruments. Firstly, a computational literature review is presented on analytics, assessing (amongst other things) the amount of research into analytics from a range of disciplines. Secondly, a historical analysis is performed of the literature regarding elements that can be seen as the pre-cursor of analytics, such as management information systems, decision support systems and business intelligence. Thirdly, an analysis of job adverts is included, utilising an online topic model and correlations analyses. Fourthly, online materials from UK universities concerning relevant degrees are analysed using a bagged support vector classifier and a bespoke module analysis algorithm. Finally, interviews with both potential employers of graduates, and also academics involved in analytics courses, are presented. The results of these separate analyses are synthesised and contrasted. The outcome of this is an assessment of the current state of the market, some reflections on the role operational research make have, and a framework for the development of analytics curricula. The principal contribution of this work is practical; providing tangible recommendations on curricula design and development, as well as to the operational research community in general in respect to how it may react to the growth of analytics. Additional contributions are made in respect to methodology, with a novel, mixed-method approach employed, and to theory, with insights as to the nature of how trends develop in both the jobs market and in academia. It is hoped that the insights here, may be of value to course designers seeking to react to similar trends in a wide range of disciplines and fields