1 research outputs found

    Comparing Data Forwarding and Prefetching for Communication-Induced Misses in Shared-Memory MPs

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    As the difference in speed between processor and memory system continues to increase, it is becoming crucial to develop and refine techniques that enhance the effectiveness of cache hierarchies. Two such techniques are data prefetching and data forwarding. With prefetching, a processor hides the latency of cache misses by requesting the data before it actually needs it. With forwarding, a producer processor hides the latency of communication-induced cache misses in the consumer processors by sending the data to the caches of the latter. These two techniques are complementary approaches to hiding the latency of communication-induced misses. This paper compares the effectiveness of data forwarding and data prefetching to hide communication-induced misses. Although both techniques require comparable hardware support, forwarding usually has a lower instruction overhead. We evaluate prefetching and forwarding algorithms in a parallelizing compiler using execution-driven simulations of a sh..