1 research outputs found

    Comparative Studies of 10 Programming Languages within 10 Diverse Criteria -- a Team 7 COMP6411-S10 Term Report

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    There are many programming languages in the world today.Each language has their advantage and disavantage. In this paper, we will discuss ten programming languages: C++, C#, Java, Groovy, JavaScript, PHP, Schalar, Scheme, Haskell and AspectJ. We summarize and compare these ten languages on ten different criterion. For example, Default more secure programming practices, Web applications development, OO-based abstraction and etc. At the end, we will give our conclusion that which languages are suitable and which are not for using in some cases. We will also provide evidence and our analysis on why some language are better than other or have advantages over the other on some criterion.Comment: 139 pages, programming languages comparison table