31,644 research outputs found

    Protection of external information perimeter of organization from spear phishing

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    Spear phishing is one of the social engineering techniques. In case of spear phishing the email text is compiled taking into account the knowledge about a particular company and rather often about the employee using sociology and psychology in such a way that cause the desire to open the attached file or to click on the link. The main difficulty of protection against such e-mails is that the methods of automated analysis do not guarantee its detection, as modern cyber criminals use new text formulations, zero-day vulnerabilities, as well as automation tools to inject exploits into files, which reduces the effectiveness of signature analysis of anti-virus programs. Each of the existing detection technologies alone does not provide protection against spear phishing. However, the combination of technologies (spam filtering, firewalls, anti-viruses), with the mandatory organizational measures, including training and testing of personnel, allows to protect the external information perimeter of the company from the spear phishing. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the technology of spear phishing implemented by two typical methods: the launch of the exploit when clicking on the link and when one runs an executable file. An overview of the vulnerability used in 2016-2017 for the attacks is presented. Modern technologies of protection and their comparative analysis are given. It is noted that each of the technologies used separately does not allow an effective protection against spear phishing. On the basis of comparative analysis and analysis of modern information threats the most effective modern methods of protection are proposed

    The Digital Architectures of Social Media: Comparing Political Campaigning on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat in the 2016 U.S. Election

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    The present study argues that political communication on social media is mediated by a platform's digital architecture, defined as the technical protocols that enable, constrain, and shape user behavior in a virtual space. A framework for understanding digital architectures is introduced, and four platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat) are compared along the typology. Using the 2016 US election as a case, interviews with three Republican digital strategists are combined with social media data to qualify the studyies theoretical claim that a platform's network structure, functionality, algorithmic filtering, and datafication model affect political campaign strategy on social media

    Feature extraction and classification of spam emails

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    Writer Identification Using Inexpensive Signal Processing Techniques

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    We propose to use novel and classical audio and text signal-processing and otherwise techniques for "inexpensive" fast writer identification tasks of scanned hand-written documents "visually". The "inexpensive" refers to the efficiency of the identification process in terms of CPU cycles while preserving decent accuracy for preliminary identification. This is a comparative study of multiple algorithm combinations in a pattern recognition pipeline implemented in Java around an open-source Modular Audio Recognition Framework (MARF) that can do a lot more beyond audio. We present our preliminary experimental findings in such an identification task. We simulate "visual" identification by "looking" at the hand-written document as a whole rather than trying to extract fine-grained features out of it prior classification.Comment: 9 pages; 1 figure; presented at CISSE'09 at http://conference.cisse2009.org/proceedings.aspx ; includes the the application source code; based on MARF described in arXiv:0905.123

    Audit of internet safety practices in English schools: final report

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    PLAZA 4.0 : an integrative resource for functional, evolutionary and comparative plant genomics

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    PLAZA (https://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza) is a plant-oriented online resource for comparative, evolutionary and functional genomics. The PLAZA platform consists of multiple independent instances focusing on different plant clades, while also providing access to a consistent set of reference species. Each PLAZA instance contains structural and functional gene annotations, gene family data and phylogenetic trees and detailed gene colinearity information. A user-friendly web interface makes the necessary tools and visualizations accessible, specific for each data type. Here we present PLAZA 4.0, the latest iteration of the PLAZA framework. This version consists of two new instances (Dicots 4.0 and Monocots 4.0) providing a large increase in newly available species, and offers access to updated and newly implemented tools and visualizations, helping users with the ever-increasing demands for complex and in-depth analyzes. The total number of species across both instances nearly doubles from 37 species in PLAZA 3.0 to 71 species in PLAZA 4.0, with a much broader coverage of crop species (e.g. wheat, palm oil) and species of evolutionary interest (e.g. spruce, Marchantia). The new PLAZA instances can also be accessed by a programming interface through a RESTful web service, thus allowing bioinformaticians to optimally leverage the power of the PLAZA platform

    Spam - solutions and their problems

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    We analyze the success of filtering as a solution to the spam problem when used alone or concurrently with sender and/or receiver pricing. We find that filters alone may exacerbate the spam problem if the spammer attempts to evade them by sending multiple variants of the message to each consumer. Sender and receiver prices can effectively reduce or eliminating spam, either on their own or when used together with filtering. Finally, we discuss the impli- cations for social welfare of using the different spam controls.Spam; filtering; email; receiver pricing; sender pricing