16 research outputs found

    Central Submonads and Notions of Computation

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    The notion of "centre" has been introduced for many algebraic structures in mathematics. A notable example is the centre of a monoid which always determines a commutative submonoid. Monads in category theory are important algebraic structures that may be used to model computational effects in programming languages and in this paper we show how the notion of centre may be extended to strong monads acting on symmetric monoidal categories. We show that the centre of a strong monad T\mathcal T, if it exists, determines a commutative submonad Z\mathcal Z of T\mathcal T, such that the Kleisli category of Z\mathcal Z is isomorphic to the premonoidal centre (in the sense of Power and Robinson) of the Kleisli category of T\mathcal T. We provide three equivalent conditions which characterise the existence of the centre of T\mathcal T and we show that every strong monad on many well-known naturally occurring categories does admit a centre, thereby showing that this new notion is ubiquitous. We also provide a computational interpretation of our ideas which consists in giving a refinement of Moggi's monadic metalanguage. The added benefit is that this allows us to immediately establish a large class of contextually equivalent programs for computational effects that are described via monads that admit a non-trivial centre by simply considering the richer syntactic structure provided by the refinement.Comment: 25 pages + 8 pages references and appendi

    Algebrai módszerek kvantumtérelméleti modellekben = Algebraic methods in models of quantum field theory

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    Kutatásaink a kvantumtérelmélet, a kvantumgruppoidok és a kategóriaelmélet határterületén új fogalmak bevezetésével és új összefüggések feltárásával gazdagította a terület szakidodalmát. Főbb eredményeink: Bevezetve a nemkommutatív közös ok fogalmát megmutattuk, hogy a Bell-egyenlőtlenséget sértő korrelációhalmaz is föloldható egyetlen lokális, nemkommutatív közös okkal. A Hopf-ciklikus (ko)homológia elmélet a nem kommutatív geometriai szimmetriák leírására alkalmas. A korábbi megközelítésekkel szemben egy alapvetően új kategóriaelméleti tárgyalást vezettünk be, amely magában foglalja azokat a realisztikusabb modelleket is, melyek szimmetriáját Hopf algebroid írja le. Olyan monádokat vizsgáltunk, melyek Eilenberg-Moore kategóriája rendelkezik a gyenge bialgebrák modulus kategóriáinak jellemző vonásaival: monoidális és a felejtő funktor szeparábilis Frobenius. Számos gyenge Hopf algebrákra vonatkozó eredmény kiterjesztése rájuk azt mutatja, hogy ez a megfelelő általánosítás a monádok körében. Bevezettük a ferde monoidális kategória fogalmát és bebizonyítottuk, hogy egy R gyűrű feletti bialgebroidok ekvivalensek az (egyoldali!) R-modulusok kategóriáján definiált zárt, ferde monoidális struktúrákkal. | Our research activity in the areas of quantum field theory, quantum groupoids and category theory has resulted in new concepts and revealed new relationships which we presented in 16 scientific publications. The main results are the following. By introducing the notion of non-commutative common cause we have shown that a joint local non-commutative common cause can explain a set of correlations even if it violates the Bell inequalities. Hopf-cyclic (co)homology theory is capable to describe the symmetries in non-commutative geometry. We invented a novel categorical treatment which, in contrast to earlier approaches, incorporates more realistic models possessing Hopf algebroid symmetries. We studied monads whose Eilenberg-Moore category bears the characteristic properties of module categories over a weak bialgebra: it is monoidal and its forgetful functor is separable Frobenius. Extending to them a number of results on weak bialgebras justifies that they provide the proper generalization to the monadic setting. We have introduced the notion of skew monoidal categories and proved that the closed skew monoidal structures on the category of (one-sided!) R-modules are precisely the bialgebroids over the ring R

    Diagrammatic presentations of enriched monads and varieties for a subcategory of arities

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    The theory of presentations of enriched monads was developed by Kelly, Power, and Lack, following classic work of Lawvere, and has been generalized to apply to subcategories of arities in recent work of Bourke-Garner and the authors. We argue that, while theoretically elegant and structurally fundamental, such presentations of enriched monads can be inconvenient to construct directly in practice, as they do not directly match the definitional procedures used in constructing many categories of enriched algebraic structures via operations and equations. Retaining the above approach to presentations as a key technical underpinning, we establish a flexible formalism for directly describing enriched algebraic structure borne by an object of a VV-category CC in terms of parametrized JJ-ary operations and diagrammatic equations for a suitable subcategory of arities JCJ \hookrightarrow C. On this basis we introduce the notions of diagrammatic JJ-presentation and JJ-ary variety, and we show that the category of JJ-ary varieties is dually equivalent to the category of JJ-ary VV-monads. We establish several examples of diagrammatic JJ-presentations and JJ-ary varieties relevant in both mathematics and theoretical computer science, and we define the sum and tensor product of diagrammatic JJ-presentations. We show that both JJ-relative monads and JJ-pretheories give rise to diagrammatic JJ-presentations that directly describe their algebras. Using diagrammatic JJ-presentations as a method of proof, we generalize the pretheories-monads adjunction of Bourke and Garner beyond the locally presentable setting. Lastly, we generalize Birkhoff's Galois connection between classes of algebras and sets of equations to the above setting

    Free algebras of topologically enriched multi-sorted equational theories

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    Classical multi-sorted equational theories and their free algebras have been fundamental in mathematics and computer science. In this paper, we present a generalization of multi-sorted equational theories from the classical (SetSet-enriched) context to the context of enrichment in a symmetric monoidal category VV that is topological over SetSet. Prominent examples of such categories include: various categories of topological and measurable spaces; the categories of models of relational Horn theories without equality, including the categories of preordered sets and (extended) pseudo-metric spaces; and the categories of quasispaces (a.k.a. concrete sheaves) on concrete sites, which have recently attracted interest in the study of programming language semantics. Given such a category VV, we define a notion of VV-enriched multi-sorted equational theory. We show that every VV-enriched multi-sorted equational theory TT has an underlying classical multi-sorted equational theory T|T|, and that free TT-algebras may be obtained as suitable liftings of free T|T|-algebras. We establish explicit and concrete descriptions of free TT-algebras, which have a convenient inductive character when VV is cartesian closed. We provide several examples of VV-enriched multi-sorted equational theories, and we also discuss the close connection between these theories and the presentations of VV-enriched algebraic theories and monads studied in recent papers by the author and Lucyshyn-Wright.Comment: 51 pages plus six page Appendix. Revised to include more discussion of enrichment of categories of algebras (expanded Remarks 3.1.4 and 4.1.6; added more details to Section 6; expanded item 6.9; added an extra item to Theorem 6.10; shortened Remark 6.11

    Localization and the interface between quantum mechanics, quantum field theory and quantum gravity I (The two antagonistic localizations and their asymptotic compatibility)

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    It is shown that there are significant conceptual differences between QM and QFT which make it difficult to view the latter as just a relativistic extension of the principles of QM. At the root of this is a fundamental distiction between Born-localization in QM (which in the relativistic context changes its name to Newton-Wigner localization) and modular localization which is the localization underlying QFT, after one separates it from its standard presentation in terms of field coordinates. The first comes with a probability notion and projection operators, whereas the latter describes causal propagation in QFT and leads to thermal aspects of locally reduced finite energy states. The Born-Newton-Wigner localization in QFT is only applicable asymptotically and the covariant correlation between asymptotic in and out localization projectors is the basis of the existence of an invariant scattering matrix. In this first part of a two part essay the modular localization (the intrinsic content of field localization) and its philosophical consequences take the center stage. Important physical consequences of vacuum polarization will be the main topic of part II. Both parts together form a rather comprehensive presentation of known consequences of the two antagonistic localization concepts, including the those of its misunderstandings in string theory.Comment: 63 pages corrections, reformulations, references adde