76,713 research outputs found

    Community Detection in Dynamic Networks via Adaptive Label Propagation

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    An adaptive label propagation algorithm (ALPA) is proposed to detect and monitor communities in dynamic networks. Unlike the traditional methods by re-computing the whole community decomposition after each modification of the network, ALPA takes into account the information of historical communities and updates its solution according to the network modifications via a local label propagation process, which generally affects only a small portion of the network. This makes it respond to network changes at low computational cost. The effectiveness of ALPA has been tested on both synthetic and real-world networks, which shows that it can successfully identify and track dynamic communities. Moreover, ALPA could detect communities with high quality and accuracy compared to other methods. Therefore, being low-complexity and parameter-free, ALPA is a scalable and promising solution for some real-world applications of community detection in dynamic networks.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Detecting Community Structure in Dynamic Social Networks Using the Concept of Leadership

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    Detecting community structure in social networks is a fundamental problem empowering us to identify groups of actors with similar interests. There have been extensive works focusing on finding communities in static networks, however, in reality, due to dynamic nature of social networks, they are evolving continuously. Ignoring the dynamic aspect of social networks, neither allows us to capture evolutionary behavior of the network nor to predict the future status of individuals. Aside from being dynamic, another significant characteristic of real-world social networks is the presence of leaders, i.e. nodes with high degree centrality having a high attraction to absorb other members and hence to form a local community. In this paper, we devised an efficient method to incrementally detect communities in highly dynamic social networks using the intuitive idea of importance and persistence of community leaders over time. Our proposed method is able to find new communities based on the previous structure of the network without recomputing them from scratch. This unique feature, enables us to efficiently detect and track communities over time rapidly. Experimental results on the synthetic and real-world social networks demonstrate that our method is both effective and efficient in discovering communities in dynamic social networks

    Benchmark model to assess community structure in evolving networks

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    Detecting the time evolution of the community structure of networks is crucial to identify major changes in the internal organization of many complex systems, which may undergo important endogenous or exogenous events. This analysis can be done in two ways: considering each snapshot as an independent community detection problem or taking into account the whole evolution of the network. In the first case, one can apply static methods on the temporal snapshots, which correspond to configurations of the system in short time windows, and match afterwards the communities across layers. Alternatively, one can develop dedicated dynamic procedures, so that multiple snapshots are simultaneously taken into account while detecting communities, which allows us to keep memory of the flow. To check how well a method of any kind could capture the evolution of communities, suitable benchmarks are needed. Here we propose a model for generating simple dynamic benchmark graphs, based on stochastic block models. In them, the time evolution consists of a periodic oscillation of the system's structure between configurations with built-in community structure. We also propose the extension of quality comparison indices to the dynamic scenario.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    An Ensemble Framework for Detecting Community Changes in Dynamic Networks

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    Dynamic networks, especially those representing social networks, undergo constant evolution of their community structure over time. Nodes can migrate between different communities, communities can split into multiple new communities, communities can merge together, etc. In order to represent dynamic networks with evolving communities it is essential to use a dynamic model rather than a static one. Here we use a dynamic stochastic block model where the underlying block model is different at different times. In order to represent the structural changes expressed by this dynamic model the network will be split into discrete time segments and a clustering algorithm will assign block memberships for each segment. In this paper we show that using an ensemble of clustering assignments accommodates for the variance in scalable clustering algorithms and produces superior results in terms of pairwise-precision and pairwise-recall. We also demonstrate that the dynamic clustering produced by the ensemble can be visualized as a flowchart which encapsulates the community evolution succinctly.Comment: 6 pages, under submission to HPEC Graph Challeng

    Evolution of Communities with Focus on Stability

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    Community detection is an important tool for analyzing the social graph of mobile phone users. The problem of finding communities in static graphs has been widely studied. However, since mobile social networks evolve over time, static graph algorithms are not sufficient. To be useful in practice (e.g. when used by a telecom analyst), the stability of the partitions becomes critical. We tackle this particular use case in this paper: tracking evolution of communities in dynamic scenarios with focus on stability. We propose two modifications to a widely used static community detection algorithm: we introduce fixed nodes and preferential attachment to pre-existing communities. We then describe experiments to study the stability and quality of the resulting partitions on real-world social networks, represented by monthly call graphs for millions of subscribers.Comment: AST at 42nd JAIIO, September 16-20, 2013, Cordoba, Argentina. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1311.550

    Community Detection on Evolving Graphs

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    Clustering is a fundamental step in many information-retrieval and data-mining applications. Detecting clusters in graphs is also a key tool for finding the community structure in social and behavioral networks. In many of these applications, the input graph evolves over time in a continual and decentralized manner, and, to maintain a good clustering, the clustering algorithm needs to repeatedly probe the graph. Furthermore, there are often limitations on the frequency of such probes, either imposed explicitly by the online platform (e.g., in the case of crawling proprietary social networks like twitter) or implicitly because of resource limitations (e.g., in the case of crawling the web). In this paper, we study a model of clustering on evolving graphs that captures this aspect of the problem. Our model is based on the classical stochastic block model, which has been used to assess rigorously the quality of various static clustering methods. In our model, the algorithm is supposed to reconstruct the planted clustering, given the ability to query for small pieces of local information about the graph, at a limited rate. We design and analyze clustering algorithms that work in this model, and show asymptotically tight upper and lower bounds on their accuracy. Finally, we perform simulations, which demonstrate that our main asymptotic results hold true also in practice