8 research outputs found

    Clustering multilayer graphs with missing nodes

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    Relationship between agents can be conveniently represented by graphs. When these relationships have different modalities, they are better modelled by multilayer graphs where each layer is associated with one modality. Such graphs arise naturally in many contexts including biological and social networks. Clustering is a fundamental problem in network analysis where the goal is to regroup nodes with similar connectivity profiles. In the past decade, various clustering methods have been extended from the unilayer setting to multilayer graphs in order to incorporate the information provided by each layer. While most existing works assume - rather restrictively - that all layers share the same set of nodes, we propose a new framework that allows for layers to be defined on different sets of nodes. In particular, the nodes not recorded in a layer are treated as missing. Within this paradigm, we investigate several generalizations of well-known clustering methods in the complete setting to the incomplete one and prove some consistency results under the Multi-Layer Stochastic Block Model assumption. Our theoretical results are complemented by thorough numerical comparisons between our proposed algorithms on synthetic data, and also on real datasets, thus highlighting the promising behaviour of our methods in various settings.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, accepted to AISTATS 202

    Joint Spectral Clustering in Multilayer Degree-Corrected Stochastic Blockmodels

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    Modern network datasets are often composed of multiple layers, either as different views, time-varying observations, or independent sample units, resulting in collections of networks over the same set of vertices but with potentially different connectivity patterns on each network. These data require models and methods that are flexible enough to capture local and global differences across the networks, while at the same time being parsimonious and tractable to yield computationally efficient and theoretically sound solutions that are capable of aggregating information across the networks. This paper considers the multilayer degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel, where a collection of networks share the same community structure, but degree-corrections and block connection probability matrices are permitted to be different. We establish the identifiability of this model and propose a spectral clustering algorithm for community detection in this setting. Our theoretical results demonstrate that the misclustering error rate of the algorithm improves exponentially with multiple network realizations, even in the presence of significant layer heterogeneity with respect to degree corrections, signal strength, and spectral properties of the block connection probability matrices. Simulation studies show that this approach improves on existing multilayer community detection methods in this challenging regime. Furthermore, in a case study of US airport data through January 2016 -- September 2021, we find that this methodology identifies meaningful community structure and trends in airport popularity influenced by pandemic impacts on travel