7 research outputs found

    Communication Estimation for Hardware/Software Codesign

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    This paper presents a general high level estimation model of communication throughput for the implementation of a given communication protocol. The model, which is part of a larger model that includes component price, software driver object code size and hardware driver area, is intended to be general enough to be able to capture the characteristics of a wide range of communication protocols and yet to be sufficiently detailed as to allow the designer or design tool to efficiently explore tradeoffs between throughput, bus widths, burst/non-burst transfers and data packing strategies. Thus it provides a basis for decision making with respect to communication protocols/components and communication driver design in the initial design space exploration phase of a co-synthesis process where a large number of possibilities must be examined and where fast estimators are therefore necessary. The full model allows for additional (money)cost, software code size and hardware area tradeoffs to be ..

    Integrating communication protocol selection with partitioning in hardware/software codesign

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    This paper presents a codesign approach which incorpo-rates communication protocol selection as a design param-eter within hardware/software partitioning. The presented approach takes into account data transfer rates depending on communication protocol types and configurations, and different operating frequencies of system components, i.e. CPUs, ASICs, and busses. It also takes into account the tim-ing and area influences of drivers and driver calls needed to perform the communication. The approach is illustrated by a number of design space exploration experiments which use models of the PCI and USB communication protocols. 1

    A Framework for Cosynthesis of Memory and Communication Architectures for MPSoC

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    Génération automatique de modèles d'application Temps-Réel

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    Stage de DEA. Rapport de stage.Le but du projet est de mettre en place une méthodologie et des outils permettant de valider les propriétés temporelles d'applications distribuées complexes (hétérogénéité des matériels supports, approche événementielle ) spécifiées dans un langage de description d'architecture (ici Ardeco propre au consortium Covadis [Thomas97] ). Ce langage permet de décrire une architecture fonctionnelle sous forme d'une architecture de composants. l'architecture fonctionnelle permet de décrire les différentes fonctions des composants et leurs interactions logiques. l'architecture matérielle constitue l'informatique support (calculateurs et systèmes exécutifs, réseaux et protocoles, topologie de connexion). l'architecture opérationnelle est le résultat de la projection d'une architecture fonctionnelle sur une architecture matérielle. Nous sommes partis des travaux initiés au sein du consortium COVADIS et les avons étendus par des propositions de mécanismes supplémentaires.Il a fallu également définir les mécanismes de projection de l'architecture fonctionnelle sur l'architecture matérielle, puis proposer les modèles de l'architecture matérielle (ordonnanceurs locaux, protocoles de communication) et les interactions de ces modèles avec ceux de l'architecture fonctionnelle

    A Compositional Approach to Embedded System Design

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    An important observable trend in embedded system design is the growing system complexity. Besides the sheer increase of functionality, the growing complexity has another dimension which is the resulting heterogeneity with respect to the different functions and components of an embedded system. This means that functions from different application domains are tightly coupled in a single embedded system. It is established industry practice that specialized specification languages and design environments are used in each application domain. The resulting heterogeneity of the specification is increased even further by reused components (legacy code, IP). Since there is little hope that a single suitable language will replace this heterogeneous set of languages, multi-language design is becoming increasingly important for complex embedded systems. The key problems in the context of multi-language design are the safe integration of the differently specified subsystems and the optimized implementation of the whole system. Both require the reliable validation of the system function as well as of the non-functional system properties. Current cosimulation-based approaches are well suited for functional validation and debugging. However, these approaches are less powerful for the validation of non-functional system properties. In this dissertation, a novel compositional approach to embedded system design is presented which augments existing cosimulation-based design flows with formal analysis capabilities regarding non-functional system properties such as timing or power consumption. Starting from a truly multi-language specification, the system is transformed into an abstract internal design representation which serves as basis for system-wide analysis and optimization.Ein wesentlicher Trend im Entwurf eingebetteter Systeme ist die steigende Komplexität der zu entwerfenden Systeme. Neben der zunehmenden Funktionalität hat die steigende Komplexität eine weitere Dimension: die resultierende Heterogenität bezüglich der verschiedenen Funktionen und Komponenten eines eingebetteten Systems. Dies bedeutet, daß Funktionen aus verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen in einem einzelnen System eng miteinander kooperieren. Es ist in der industriellen Praxis etabliert, daß in jedem Anwendungsbereich spezialisierte Spezifikationssprachen zum Einsatz kommen. Da wenig Hoffnung besteht, daß eine einzige geeignete Sprache diesen heterogenen Mix von Sprachen ersetzen wird, gewinnt der mehrsprachige Entwurf für komplexe eingebettete Systeme an Bedeutung. Die Hauptprobleme im Bereich des mehrsprachigen Entwurfs sind die sichere Integration der verschieden spezifizierten Teilsysteme und die optimierte Implementierung des gesamten Systems. Beide Probleme verlangen eine zuverlässige Validierung der Systemfunktion sowie der nichtfunktionalen Systemeigenschaften. Heutige cosimulationsbasierte Ansätze aus Forschung und Industrie sind gut geeignet für die funktionale Validierung und Fehlersuche, haben aber Schwächen bei der Validierung nichtfunktionaler Systemeigenschaften. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuartiger kompositionaler Ansatz für den Entwurf eingebetteter Systeme vorgestellt, der existierende cosimulationsbasierte Entwurfsflüsse um Fähigkeiten zur Analyse nichtfunktionaler Systemeigenschaften ergänzt. Ausgehend von einer mehrsprachigen Spezifikation, wird das System in eine abstrakte homogene interne Darstellung transformiert, die als Grundlage für die systemweite Analyse und Optimierung dient

    An object-based codesign methodology.

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    The research into Codesign of Hardware and Software stems from the development of embedded systems, on which various systems restrictions are imposed. Typical restrictions can be the overall time (latency) to complete an assigned function and the space/power limits within the system. Although software can be used to undertake most tasks in an embedded system, ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) hardware components sometimes have to be recruited to meet the system constraints. Designing the restricted embedded system with both software and hardware components in it involves the analysis of not only individual hardware/software components but also their mutual influences. Using co-design principles, the approach is to consider both hardware and software from a coherent viewpoint.This thesis presents the results from our research project in the area of Codesign of Hardware and Software. In this project, we investigated previously published codesign approaches and their methodological supports. The investigation has identified shortcomings and problems with the existing codesign methodologies. A new object-based codesign approach (Co-PARSE) is thus developed in this project, which is supported by successive phases, guidelines, and techniques. This methodology offers a coherent design framework for real-time embedded systems and incorporates the criteria of system performance and hardware cost. Tools have been developed to facilitate the use of the methodology. Within the methodology, a high-level system modeling and specification approach has been developed and formalised in the Co-BSL (Codesign Behavior Specification Language). The means of transforming Co-BSL specifications to C and VHDL implementations is defined, and a library of VHDL components provided. The thesis documents the partitioning approach taken within the methodology and proposes a new multi-layered bus architecture as a basis for more flexible and efficient implementations. A means of simulating the performance characteristics of this architecture under different configurations is provided, and examples of simulation results are presented. A new embedded system (the Radio Data Computing System) is designed and simulated in the Co-PARSE methodology and simulation results analysed. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the work carried out in the project and proposals for extending the results obtained in future research.The major contributions reported in this thesis can be summarised as follows. First, the unified system specification means has been designed, which is embodied in the Co-BSL. It captures overall dynamic aspects and performance constraints in the system under development. This high-level specification language is independent of implementation and does not bias the designer towards the use of hardware or software components at this early stage. Second, within Co-PARSE, the target architecture of the system under development has been exploited to improve the system performance and at the same time to reduce hardware cost. This novel concept has been realised by the introduction of an asynchronous bus protocol and the multi-layer bus communication structure. Third, in order to evaluate the strength and practicability of the Co-PARSE methodology, an extensive case study has been carried out. The new RDC (Radio Dada Computing) System has been designed in the proposed codesign approach. Codesign phases are subsequently applied and the guidelines and tools that are specially developed in support of the methodology are fully utilized

    Communication estimation for hardware/software codesign

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