53 research outputs found

    The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Firm Performance

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    Debate exists regarding the contribution of information technology to firm performance. Prior research has examined technology and firm performance in the aggregate. This study, however, focuses on a specific technology—enterprise resource planning (ERP)—and its impact on firm performance. Economic and industrial organization theories are used to predict how ERP technology should affect firm coordination and transaction costs. ERP is expected to (1) reduce costs by improving efficiencies through computerization and (2) enhance decision making by providing accurate and timely enterprise-wide information. These effects should be associated with improved firm performance. This issue is examined empirically using archival financial data of COMPUSTAT firms that have implemented ERP systems compared to control firm counterparts. Results indicate a significant increase in costs as a percentage of revenue but a decrease in the number of employees as a percentage of revenue the year after ERP implementation. However, control firms experience a greater reduction in employees. Results indicate a paradox where firms having fewer employees supporting more revenue simultaneously experience higher cost to revenue ratios after their ERP implementation

    Virtual local area networking and its implementation at UNC-Chapel Hill

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    This study describes Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) technologies, which allow a single, physical computer network to be divided into separate, logical networks, such that it appears to the end user that he or she is ona separate, physical network from users on other VLANs. VLAN technology can be used to imporve network performance while minimizing or eliminating problems encountered in large networks. VLANs can also enhance security and reduce the resources required to administer the network. This study combines descriptive research with a case study of the use of VLANs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. General networking and VLAN-specific concepts are synthesized from the literature, and the experience of UNC-CH's Academic Technology and Networks (ATN) department with their VLAN implementation is analyzed

    Management of intermediated channels for high technology firms : achieving success in a dynamic and rapidly changing marketplace

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2005.Includes bibliographical references.One of the most challenging problems for high technology firms in an increasingly global marketplace is the effective utilization of intermediated sales channels. As product development cycles shorten, there can be a scenario where the rate of product and solutions development and introduction to the market out-pace the manufacturer's ability to sell, service, and support the new products and solutions. There are many challenges to be overcome in providing a third party organization with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to successfully propose, implement, operate and support high technology products and solutions designed, manufactured and marketed by another company. As firms both large and small look to indirect channels to expand their coverage in existing markets and or to penetrate new markets, significant investments in channel support infrastructure and best-in-class channel management techniques are increasingly a necessity to achieve success in a global channel network.(cont.) The objective of this thesis will be to closely examine the enterprise data communications equipment market segment to develop an understanding of how successful firms effectively utilized intermediated channels to attain remarkable market share at the expense of competitors who were not able to do so. From this understanding generalizations will be drawn that will provide a number of management practices that guide other high technology firms in design and implementation of their intermediated channel programs.by John-Paul Gorsky.S.M

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue The Buzz on E-Biz Eliminating the Paper Trail SAM Comes to UMC B2B and Directory Services: Opportunities and Challenges Telecommunications and the Digital Campus Managing E-Business at UCSB Binghamton lnstalls a High- Speed Optical Fiber Network Amherst Takes to the Air Columns Intervie

    The patterns of interorganizational networks in the development of data communication technologies

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    Title from cover. "February, 1998."Includes bibliographical references (p. 69-75).Pek H. Soh, Edward B. Roberts

    Case study

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    "September 1997."Includes bibliographical references.Jeanne W. Ross

    Learning by knowing through social capital : a missling link to research capability

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    Title from cover. "February, 1998."Includes bibliographical references (p. 63-65).Pek H. Soh, Edward B. Roberts

    Virtual LANs and directory enabled networking

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    Lähiverkot ja virtuaalilähiverkot ovat kehittyneet valtavasti viime vuosien aikana. Lähiverkot ovat yleistyneet, mutta samalla uudet vaatimukset ja ominaisuudet ovat tehneet lähiverkkoympäristöstä entistä monimutkaisemman. Palveluntarjoajille tämä on mahdollisuus, koska niillä on riittävä asiantuntemus. Tämän avulla ne voivat tarjota lähiverkkoja ja virtuaalilähiverkkoja palveluna, jolloin niiden asiakkaat voivat keskittyä omaan liiketoimintaansa. Kehittyneet lähiverkot tarjoavat monia ominaisuuksia kuten autentikointia autorisointia ja priorisointia, mutta näiden ominaisuuksien pitää olla yhtenäisesti ja valmistajariippumattomasti hallittavissa Ns. directory enabled networking (DEN) on uusi ja lupaava lähestymistapa sekä verkon aktiivilaitteiden että verkon tarjoamien palveluiden hallintaa varten. Directory enabled networking ottaa myös kantaa palvelutasosopimuksiin (service level agreement), jotka ovat erittäin tärkeitä palveluntarjoajaympäristössä. Seuraavan sukupolven verkko voidaan rakentaa DEN-ominaisuuksien avulla

    The effects of social capital on technological performance of the firm : a a longitudinal analysis

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    Title from cover. "February, 1998."Includes bibliographical references (p. 58-64).Pek H. Soh, Edward B. Roberts

    Industry-specific set of e-business solutions : An introduction to vertical communities

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