4 research outputs found

    Model-based Testing and Analysis of Coordinated Components

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    Software components are common in the open source community. These components can be specified in model languages like AsmL or JML by using contracts (preconditions, postconditions). Starting from an integrated specification (components, coordinating process, wrapper), a model program is defined and used to define the formal semantics of the whole system. The relationship between coordinator and components are expressed as abisimulation. The model program can be used for conformance testing and generating test case suites when working with closed systems, and for scenario-based testing when working with reactive systems

    SAVCBS 2005 Proceedings: Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems

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    This workshop is concerned with how formal (i.e., mathematical) techniques can be or should be used to establish a suitable foundation for the specification and verification of component-based systems. Component-based systems are a growing concern for the software engineering community. Specification and reasoning techniques are urgently needed to permit composition of systems from components. Component-based specification and verification is also vital for scaling advanced verification techniques such as extended static analysis and model checking to the size of real systems. The workshop will consider formalization of both functional and non-functional behavior, such as performance or reliability. This workshop brings together researchers and practitioners in the areas of component-based software and formal methods to address the open problems in modular specification and verification of systems composed from components. We are interested in bridging the gap between principles and practice. The intent of bringing participants together at the workshop is to help form a community-oriented understanding of the relevant research problems and help steer formal methods research in a direction that will address the problems of component-based systems. For example, researchers in formal methods have only recently begun to study principles of object-oriented software specification and verification, but do not yet have a good handle on how inheritance can be exploited in specification and verification. Other issues are also important in the practice of component-based systems, such as concurrency, mechanization and scalability, performance (time and space), reusability, and understandability. The aim is to brainstorm about these and related topics to understand both the problems involved and how formal techniques may be useful in solving them

    Communicating Concurrent Objects in HiddenCCS

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    In this paper we add value-passing communication to hiddenCCS, a new formalism proposed in [2] for synchronizing concurrent objects. We use hidden algebra to specify object-oriented systems, and CCS process algebra to describe the coordination aspects. The new specification formalism extends the object specification with synchronization and communication elements associated with methods and attributes of the objects, and use a CCS description of the interaction patterns. The operational semantics of hiddenCCS specifications is based on labeled transition systems which can be specified in rewriting logic. We use Maude as a platform for verification of the communicating concurrent objects specified in hiddenCCS. Triple Modular Redundancy is used as an example of a hiddenCCS specification and its verification in Maude