2,069 research outputs found

    Discrimination and synthesis of recursive quantum states in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces

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    We propose an interferometric method for statistically discriminating between nonorthogonal states in high dimensional Hilbert spaces for use in quantum information processing. The method is illustrated for the case of photon orbital angular momentum (OAM) states. These states belong to pairs of bases that are mutually unbiased on a sequence of two-dimensional subspaces of the full Hilbert space, but the vectors within the same basis are not necessarily orthogonal to each other. Over multiple trials, this method allows distinguishing OAM eigenstates from superpositions of multiple such eigenstates. Variations of the same method are then shown to be capable of preparing and detecting arbitrary linear combinations of states in Hilbert space. One further variation allows the construction of chains of states obeying recurrence relations on the Hilbert space itself, opening a new range of possibilities for more abstract information-coding algorithms to be carried out experimentally in a simple manner. Among other applications, we show that this approach provides a simplified means of switching between pairs of high-dimensional mutually unbiased OAM bases

    Local symmetry dynamics in one-dimensional aperiodic lattices

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    A unifying description of lattice potentials generated by aperiodic one-dimensional sequences is proposed in terms of their local reflection or parity symmetry properties. We demonstrate that the ranges and axes of local reflection symmetry possess characteristic distributional and dynamical properties which can be determined for every aperiodic binary lattice. A striking aspect of such a property is given by the return maps of sequential spacings of local symmetry axes, which typically traverse few-point symmetry orbits. This local symmetry dynamics allows for a classification of inherently different aperiodic lattices according to fundamental symmetry principles. Illustrating the local symmetry distributional and dynamical properties for several representative binary lattices, we further show that the renormalized axis spacing sequences follow precisely the particular type of underlying aperiodic order. Our analysis thus reveals that the long-range order of aperiodic lattices is characterized in a compellingly simple way by its local symmetry dynamics.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Binary self-similar one-dimensional quasilattices: Mutual local-derivability classification and substitution rules

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    Self-similar binary one-dimensional (1D) quasilattices (QLs) are classified into mutual local-derivability (MLD) classes. It is shown that the MLD classification is closely related to the number-theoretical classification of parameters which specify the self-similar binary 1D QLs. An algorithm to derive an explicit substitution rule, which prescribes the transformation of a QL into another QL in the same MLD class, is presented. An explicit inflation rule, which prescribes the transformation of the self-similar 1D QL into itself, is obtained as a composition of the explicit substitution rules. Symmetric substitution rules and symmetric inflation rules are extensively discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Knowledge-generating Efficiency in Innovation Systems: The relation between structural and temporal effects

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    Using time series of US patents per million inhabitants, knowledge-generating cycles can be distinguished. These cycles partly coincide with Kondratieff long waves. The changes in the slopes between them indicate discontinuities in the knowledge-generating paradigms. The knowledge-generating paradigms can be modeled in terms of interacting dimensions (for example, in university-industry-government relations) that set limits to the maximal efficiency of innovation systems. The maximum values of the parameters in the model are of the same order as the regression coefficients of the empirical waves. The mechanism of the increase in the dimensionality is specified as self-organization which leads to the breaking of existing relations into the more diversified structure of a fractal-like network. This breaking can be modeled in analogy to 2D and 3D (Koch) snowflakes. The boost of knowledge generation leads to newly emerging technologies that can be expected to be more diversified and show shorter life cycles than before. Time spans of the knowledge-generating cycles can also be analyzed in terms of Fibonacci numbers. This perspective allows for forecasting expected dates of future possible paradigm changes. In terms of policy implications, this suggests a shift in focus from the manufacturing technologies to developing new organizational technologies and formats of human interaction

    Simulation of braiding anyons using Matrix Product States

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    Anyons exist as point like particles in two dimensions and carry braid statistics which enable interactions that are independent of the distance between the particles. Except for a relatively few number of models which are analytically tractable, much of the physics of anyons remain still unexplored. In this paper, we show how U(1)-symmetry can be combined with the previously proposed anyonic Matrix Product States to simulate ground states and dynamics of anyonic systems on a lattice at any rational particle number density. We provide proof of principle by studying itinerant anyons on a one dimensional chain where no natural notion of braiding arises and also on a two-leg ladder where the anyons hop between sites and possibly braid. We compare the result of the ground state energies of Fibonacci anyons against hardcore bosons and spinless fermions. In addition, we report the entanglement entropies of the ground states of interacting Fibonacci anyons on a fully filled two-leg ladder at different interaction strength, identifying gapped or gapless points in the parameter space. As an outlook, our approach can also prove useful in studying the time dynamics of a finite number of nonabelian anyons on a finite two-dimensional lattice.Comment: Revised version: 20 pages, 14 captioned figures, 2 new tables. We have moved a significant amount of material concerning symmetric tensors for anyons --- which can be found in prior works --- to Appendices in order to streamline our exposition of the modified Anyonic-U(1) ansat

    Effective models of doped quantum ladders of non-Abelian anyons

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    Quantum spin models have been studied extensively in one and higher dimensions. Furthermore, these systems have been doped with holes to study tt--JJ models of SU(2)SU(2) spin-1/2. Their anyonic counterparts can be built from non-Abelian anyons, such as Fibonacci anyons described by SU(2)3SU(2)_3 theories, which are quantum deformations of the SU(2)SU(2) algebra. Inspired by the physics of SU(2)SU(2) spins, several works have explored ladders of Fibonacci anyons and also one-dimensional (1D) tt--JJ models. Here we aim to explore the combined effects of extended dimensionality and doping by studying ladders composed of coupled chains of interacting itinerant Fibonacci anyons. We show analytically that in the limit of strong rung couplings these models can be mapped onto effective 1D models. These effective models can either be gapped models of hole pairs, or gapless models described by tt--JJ (or modified tt--JJ--VV) chains of Fibonacci anyons, whose spectrum exhibits a fractionalization into charge and anyon degrees of freedom. By using exact diagonalizations for two-leg and three-leg ladders, we show that indeed the doped ladders show exactly the same behavior as that of tt--JJ chains. In the strong ferromagnetic rung limit, we can obtain a new model that hosts two different kinds of Fibonacci particles - which we denote as the heavy Ď„\tau's and light Ď„\tau's. These two particle types carry the same (non-Abelian) topological charge but different (Abelian) electric charges. Once again, we map the two-dimensional ladder onto an effective chain carrying these heavy and light Ď„\tau's. We perform a finite size scaling analysis to show the appearance of gapless modes for certain anyon densities whereas a topological gapped phase is suggested for another density regime.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figures, 5 table
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