19 research outputs found

    On Grosswald's conjecture on primitive roots

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    Grosswald's conjecture is that g(p)g(p), the least primitive root modulo pp, satisfies g(p)p2g(p) \leq \sqrt{p} - 2 for all p>409p>409. We make progress towards this conjecture by proving that g(p)p2g(p) \leq \sqrt{p} -2 for all 409<p<2.5×1015409<p< 2.5\times 10^{15} and for all p>3.67×1071p>3.67\times 10^{71}.Comment: 7 page

    Computation of the least primitive root

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    Let g(p)g(p) denote the least primitive root modulo pp, and h(p)h(p) the least primitive root modulo p2p^2. We computed g(p)g(p) and h(p)h(p) for all primes p1016p\le 10^{16}. Here we present the results of that computation and prove three theorems as a consequence. In particular, we show that g(p)<p5/8g(p)<p^{5/8} for all primes p>3p>3 and that h(p)<p2/3h(p)<p^{2/3} for all primes pp

    The Counting function for Elkies primes

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    Let EE be an elliptic curve over a finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q where qq is a prime power. The Schoof--Elkies--Atkin (SEA) algorithm is a standard method for counting the number of Fq\mathbb{F}_q-points on EE. The asymptotic complexity of the SEA algorithm depends on the distribution of the so-called Elkies primes. Assuming GRH, we prove that the least Elkies prime is bounded by (2log4q+4)2(2\log 4q+4)^2 when q109q\geq 10^9. This is the first such explicit bound in the literature. Previously, Satoh and Galbraith established an upper bound of O((logq)2+ε)O((\log q)^{2+\varepsilon}). Let NE(X)N_E(X) denote the number of Elkies primes less than XX. Assuming GRH, we also show N_E(X)=\frac{\pi(X)}{2}+O\left(\frac{\sqrt{X}(\log qX)^2}{\log X}\right)\,. $

    Deterministic root finding over finite fields using Graeffe transforms

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    We design new deterministic algorithms, based on Graeffe transforms, to compute all the roots of a polynomial which splits over a finite field F q . Our algorithms were designed to be particularly efficient in the case when the cardinality q − 1 of the multiplicative group of F q is smooth. Such fields are often used in practice because they support fast discrete Fourier transforms. We also present a new nearly optimal algorithm for computing characteristic polynomials of multiplication endomorphisms in finite field extensions. This algorithm allows for the efficient computation of Graeffe transforms of arbitrary orders