116,459 research outputs found

    Mapping London's Innovation Networks

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    A wide range of authors have highlighted the potential benefits for entrepreneurial companies that engage in effective networking along and across the supply-chain. As many organisations have downsized or outsourcedbasic research activities Universities have an increasingly important role within such networks. A number of UK initiatives have been established to encourage greater 'entanglement' between academia and commerce; the London Technology Network is one example which is intended to encourage interactions between London's leading research institutes and innovative businesses.Using the detailed data acquired by this network this paper is intended to presents an exploratory analysis of such activities with the aim of establishing the extent to which company size, sector and/or location play a significant role in participation in the network's activities. A wide range of authors have highlighted the potential benefits for entrepreneurial companies that engage in effective networking along and across the supply-chain. As many organisations have downsized or outsourced basic research activities Universities have an increasingly important role within such networks. A number of UK initiatives have been established to encourage greater 'entanglement' between academia and commerce; the London Technology Network is one example which is intended to encourage interactions between London's leading research institutes and innovative businesses.Using the detailed data acquired by this network this paper is intended to presents an exploratory analysis of such activities with the aim of establishing the extent to which company size, sector and/or location play a significant role in participation in the network's activities

    Towards Psychometrics-based Friend Recommendations in Social Networking Services

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    Two of the defining elements of Social Networking Services are the social profile, containing information about the user, and the social graph, containing information about the connections between users. Social Networking Services are used to connect to known people as well as to discover new contacts. Current friend recommendation mechanisms typically utilize the social graph. In this paper, we argue that psychometrics, the field of measuring personality traits, can help make meaningful friend recommendations based on an extended social profile containing collected smartphone sensor data. This will support the development of highly distributed Social Networking Services without central knowledge of the social graph.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 2017 International Conference on AI & Mobile Services (IEEE AIMS

    The Evolution of American Microtargeting: An Examination of Trends in Political Messaging

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    The usage of targeted messaging by political campaigns has seen a drastic evolution over the past half-century. Through advancement in campaign technology, and an increasingly large amount of personal information up for sale, campaigns have continually narrowed their scope from targeting large demographic groups to targeting each voter individually through a process called microtargeting. This presentation examines both the history of microtargeting in American politics, and the potential effects of its utilization

    Collaborative pedagogy and digital scholarship: a case study of 'Media Culture 2020'

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    This paper presents an educational case study of ‘Media Culture 2020’, an EU Erasmus Intensive Programme that utilised a range social media platforms and computer software to create open, virtual spaces where students from different countries and fields could explore and learn together. The multi-disciplinary project featured five universities from across Europe and was designed to develop new pedagogical frameworks to encourage collaborative approaches to teaching and learning in the arts. The main objective of the project was to break down classroom and campus walls by creating digital learning environments that facilitated new forms of production, transmission and representation of knowledge. Media Culture 2020 was designed to pilot a novel mode of ‘blended learning’, demonstrating a number of ways in which ‘Web 2.0’ networked technologies might be adopted by academics to encourage open and collaborative modes of practice. The project utilised a number of social media platforms (including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Google Hangout, Google Docs and Blogger) to enhance the learning experiences of a diverse set of students from different cultural and international contexts. In doing so, Media Culture 2020 enabled participants with a diverse range skills and cultural experiences to develop new working practices that respond to the convergence of digital media and art, as well as the internationalisation of media production and business, through the use of open, interactive software

    The effect of using facebook markup language (fbml) for designing an e-learning model in higher education

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    This study examines the use of Facebook Markup Language (FBML) to design an e-learning model to facilitate teaching and learning in an academic setting. The qualitative research study presents a case study on how, Facebook is used to support collaborative activities in higher education. We used FBML to design an e-learning model called processes for e-learning resources in the Specialist Learning Resources Diploma (SLRD) program. Two groups drawn from the SLRD program were used; First were the participants in the treatment group and second in the control group. Statistical analysis in the form of a t-test was used to compare the dependent variables between the two groups. The findings show a difference in the mean score between the pre-test and the post-test for the treatment group (achievement, the skill, trends). Our findings suggest that the use of FBML can support collaborative knowledge creation and improved the academic achievement of participatns. The findings are expected to provide insights into promoting the use of Facebook in a learning management system (LMS).Comment: Mohammed Amasha, Salem Alkhalaf, "The Effect of using Facebook Markup Language (FBML) for Designing an E-Learning Model in Higher Education". International Journal of Research in Computer Science, 4 (5): pp. 1-9, January 201

    Combining international student social and academic transition online

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    The social and academic acculturation of a large number of newly arrived international students challenges even the most prepared of UK higher education institutions. How best to facilitate students’ social need to form new friendships with that of formally preparing them for the often unfamiliar academic demands of a different educational system? This paper will present a pre-arrival online course delivered to over 2,000 international students each summer, which combines student-centred socialisation with institution-driven academic preparation. From the initial data, it will draw some tentative conclusions about how far this approach could help facilitate students’ transition in advance of their arrival

    Social media analytics: a survey of techniques, tools and platforms

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    This paper is written for (social science) researchers seeking to analyze the wealth of social media now available. It presents a comprehensive review of software tools for social networking media, wikis, really simple syndication feeds, blogs, newsgroups, chat and news feeds. For completeness, it also includes introductions to social media scraping, storage, data cleaning and sentiment analysis. Although principally a review, the paper also provides a methodology and a critique of social media tools. Analyzing social media, in particular Twitter feeds for sentiment analysis, has become a major research and business activity due to the availability of web-based application programming interfaces (APIs) provided by Twitter, Facebook and News services. This has led to an ‘explosion’ of data services, software tools for scraping and analysis and social media analytics platforms. It is also a research area undergoing rapid change and evolution due to commercial pressures and the potential for using social media data for computational (social science) research. Using a simple taxonomy, this paper provides a review of leading software tools and how to use them to scrape, cleanse and analyze the spectrum of social media. In addition, it discussed the requirement of an experimental computational environment for social media research and presents as an illustration the system architecture of a social media (analytics) platform built by University College London. The principal contribution of this paper is to provide an overview (including code fragments) for scientists seeking to utilize social media scraping and analytics either in their research or business. The data retrieval techniques that are presented in this paper are valid at the time of writing this paper (June 2014), but they are subject to change since social media data scraping APIs are rapidly changing

    The Digital Scholar Revisited

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    The book The Digital Scholar was published in 2011, and used Boyer’s framework of scholarship to examine the possible impact of digital, networked technology on scholarly practice. In 2011 the general attitude towards digital scholarship was cautious, although areas of innovative practice were emerging. Using this book as a basis, the author considers changes in digital scholarship since its publication. Five key themes are identified: mainstreaming of digital scholarship, so that it is a widely accepted and encouraged practice; the shift to open, with the emphasis on the benefits that open practice brings rather than the digital or networked aspects; policy implementation, particularly in areas of educational technology platforms, open access policies and open educational resources; network identity, emphasising the development of academic identity through social media and other tools; criticality of digital scholarship, which examines the negative issues associated with online abuse, privacy and data usage. Each of these themes is explored, and their impact in terms of Boyer’s original framing of scholarly activity considered. Boyer’s four scholarly activities of discovery, integration, application and teaching can be viewed from the perspective of these five themes. In conclusion what has been realised does not constitute a revolution in academic practice, but rather a gradual acceptance and utilisation of digital scholarship techniques, practices and values. It is simultaneously true that both radical change has taken place, and nothing has fundamentally altered. Much of the increased adoption in academia mirrors the wider penetration of social media tools amongst society in general, so academics are more likely to have an identity in such places that mixes professional and personal
