4 research outputs found

    Combining Symbolic Model Checking with Uninterpreted Functions for Out-of-Order Processor Verification

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    We present a new approach to the verification of hardware systems with data dependencies using temporal logic symbolic model checking. As a benchmark we take Tomasulo's algorithm [HP96] for out-of-order instruction scheduling. Our approach is similar to the idea of uninterpreted function symbols [BD94]. We use symbolic values and instructions instead of concrete ones. This allows us to show the correctness of the machine independently of the actual instruction set architecture and the implementation of the functional units. Instead of using first order terms as in [BD94], we represent symbolic values with a new compact encoding. In addition, we apply some other reduction techniques to the model. This significantly reduces the state space and allows the use of highly efficient symbolic model checkers like SMV instead of special decision procedures. The correctness of the method has been proven formally with the PVS theorem prover. 1 Introduction Modern microprocessors are becoming ..

    Automatic Datapath Abstraction Of Pipelined Circuits

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    Pipelined circuits operate as an assembly line that starts processing new instructions while older ones continue execution. Control properties specify the correct behaviour of the pipeline with respect to how it handles the concurrency between instructions. Control properties stand out as one of the most challenging aspects of pipelined circuit verification. Their verification depends on the datapath and memories, which in practice account for the largest part of the state space of the circuit. To alleviate the state explosion problem, abstraction of memories and datapath becomes mandatory. This thesis provides a methodology for an efficient abstraction of the datapath under all possible control-visible behaviours. For verification of control properties, the abstracted datapath is then substituted in place of the original one and the control circuitry is left unchanged. With respect to control properties, the abstraction is shown conservative by both language containment and simulation. For verification of control properties, the pipeline datapath is represented by a network of registers, unrestricted combinational datapath blocks and muxes. The values flowing through the datapath are called parcels. The control is the state machine that steers the parcels through the network. As parcels travel through the pipeline, they undergo transformations through the datapath blocks. The control- visible results of these transformations fan-out into control variables which in turn influence the next stage the parcels are transferred to by the control. The semantics of the datapath is formalized as a labelled transition system called a parcel automaton. Parcel automata capture the set of all control visible paths through the pipeline and are derived without the need of reachability analysis of the original pipeline. Datapath abstraction is defined using familiar concepts such as language containment or simulation. We have proved results that show that datapath abstraction leads to pipeline abstraction. Our approach has been incorporated into a practical algorithm that yields directly the abstract parcel automaton, bypassing the construction of the concrete parcel automaton. The algorithm uses a SAT solver to generate incrementally all possible control visible behaviours of the pipeline datapath. Our largest case study is a 32-bit two-wide superscalar OpenRISC microprocessor written in VHDL, where it reduced the size of the implementation from 35k gates to 2k gates in less than 10 minutes while using less than 52MB of memory