26,516 research outputs found

    What counts as good evidence

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    Making better use of evidence is essential if public services are to deliver more for less. Central to this challenge is the need for a clearer understanding about standards of evidence that can be applied to the research informing social policy. This paper reviews the extent to which it is possible to reach a workable consensus on ways of identifying and labelling evidence. It does this by exploring the efforts made to date and the debates that have ensued. Throughout, the focus is on evidence that is underpinned by research, rather than other sources of evidence such as expert opinion or stakeholder views.Publisher PD

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMedical knowledge learned in medical school can become quickly outdated given the tremendous growth of the biomedical literature. It is the responsibility of medical practitioners to continuously update their knowledge with recent, best available clinical evidence to make informed decisions about patient care. However, clinicians often have little time to spend on reading the primary literature even within their narrow specialty. As a result, they often rely on systematic evidence reviews developed by medical experts to fulfill their information needs. At the present, systematic reviews of clinical research are manually created and updated, which is expensive, slow, and unable to keep up with the rapidly growing pace of medical literature. This dissertation research aims to enhance the traditional systematic review development process using computer-aided solutions. The first study investigates query expansion and scientific quality ranking approaches to enhance literature search on clinical guideline topics. The study showed that unsupervised methods can improve retrieval performance of a popular biomedical search engine (PubMed). The proposed methods improve the comprehensiveness of literature search and increase the ratio of finding relevant studies with reduced screening effort. The second and third studies aim to enhance the traditional manual data extraction process. The second study developed a framework to extract and classify texts from PDF reports. This study demonstrated that a rule-based multipass sieve approach is more effective than a machine-learning approach in categorizing document-level structures and iv that classifying and filtering publication metadata and semistructured texts enhances the performance of an information extraction system. The proposed method could serve as a document processing step in any text mining research on PDF documents. The third study proposed a solution for the computer-aided data extraction by recommending relevant sentences and key phrases extracted from publication reports. This study demonstrated that using a machine-learning classifier to prioritize sentences for specific data elements performs equally or better than an abstract screening approach, and might save time and reduce errors in the full-text screening process. In summary, this dissertation showed that there are promising opportunities for technology enhancement to assist in the development of systematic reviews. In this modern age when computing resources are getting cheaper and more powerful, the failure to apply computer technologies to assist and optimize the manual processes is a lost opportunity to improve the timeliness of systematic reviews. This research provides methodologies and tests hypotheses, which can serve as the basis for further large-scale software engineering projects aimed at fully realizing the prospect of computer-aided systematic reviews

    Poor Philanthropist II: New approaches to sustainable development

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    The second title in the Poor Philanthropist Series, this monograph represents the culmination of a six-year journey; a journey characterised in the first three years by in-depth qualitative research which resulted in an understanding of philanthropic traditions among people who are poor in southern Africa and gave rise to new and innovative concepts which formed the focus of the research monograph The Poor Philanthropist: How and Why the Poor Help Each Other, published by the Southern Africa-United States Centre for Leadership and Public Values in 2005

    Beyond Checklists: A Nursing Informatics Education Strategy for Undergraduate Nursing Students Appraising Health Information on Social Networking Sites (SNS) / Au-delà des listes de vérification : Une stratégie de formation infirmière au numérique pour l’évaluation, par les étudiantes de premier cycle, des informations sur la santé présentes sur les sites des réseaux sociaux (SRS)

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    Increasingly internet social networking sites are used in healthcare to support, communicate and offer information platforms between healthcare providers, users, and the public. Undergraduate nursing students draw on various sources of evidence to inform best-practice decisions in collaboration with patients and the healthcare team. Student or patient-initiated access of information from social networking sites necessitates high levels of informatics literacy. While students may reveal adept social networking site navigation skills, their capacity to appraise and apply information from these sites to their nursing practice, in ways that demonstrate informatics competence, requires further exploration. The purpose of this education project was to describe how students’ informatics competence was enriched through the development and implementation of a Credibility, Argument, Purpose and Evidence guide, compared to a previously implemented checklist as part of a digital health assignment. The Constructivist Online Learning Environment Survey evaluated student-learning perceptions using the new guide as well as the previously utilized checklist. The developed guide improved students’ perceptions of their ability to appraise social networking sites. Results revealed an improvement in students’ appreciation of the significance of moving beyond the use of checklists when appraising and evaluating social networking sites. Educational institutions assume a prominent role as stakeholders in curriculum development, to equip nursing students with informatics skills to critically appraise and evaluate information from various social networking sites and technologies, alongside other health knowledge, for ethical evidence informed nursing practice. Résumé Les intervenants du secteur de la santé utilisent de plus en plus les sites de réseautage social en ligne pour soutenir, communiquer et offrir une plateforme d’information permettant des échanges entre les professionnels de la santé, les utilisateurs des services de santé et le public. Les étudiantes en sciences infirmières de premier cycle s’appuient sur diverses sources de résultats probants pour prendre des décisions éclairées basées sur les pratiques exemplaires, en collaboration avec les patients et les membres de l’équipe des soins. L’accès aux informations par les étudiantes ou les patients à partir des sites de réseautage social nécessite un niveau élevé de maîtrise du numérique. Bien que les étudiantes puissent détenir des habiletés de navigation sur de tels sites, leur capacité à évaluer et à mettre en application des informations tirées de ces sites dans leur pratique infirmière, de manière à démontrer une compétence numérique, nécessite une exploration plus poussée. Le but de ce projet de formation était de décrire comment la compétence numérique des étudiantes a été enrichie grâce à l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre d’un guide portant sur la Crédibilité, l’Argumentation, le But, et les Résultats probants, pour remplacer une liste de vérification précédemment utilisée dans le cadre d’un travail en santé numérique. Le Constructivist Online Learning Environment Survey (sondage sur un environnement constructiviste d’apprentissage en ligne) a permis d’évaluer les perceptions d’apprentissage des étudiantes à l’aide du nouveau guide et de la liste de vérification utilisée précédemment. Le guide élaboré a amélioré la perception de ces dernières quant à leur capacité à évaluer les sites de réseautage social et les résultats ont révélé qu’elles comprennent davantage la nécessité d’aller au-delà des listes de vérification pour évaluer de tels sites. Les établissements d’enseignement jouent un rôle de premier plan dans l’élaboration des programmes de formation qui poussent les étudiantes en sciences infirmières à développer leur compétence numérique, leur permettant d’évaluer de manière critique les informations provenant de divers sites de réseaux sociaux et de technologies , en plus d’autres connaissances en matière de santé, pour une pratique infirmière éclairée par une analyse éthique des résultats probants

    Developing the Curriculum for Collaborative Intellectual Property Education

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    Intellectual property education, i.e. how intellectual property should be taught or more importantly how intellectual property is learnt, is a recent addition to the academic 'intellectual property' agenda. The regulation, acquisition and management of intellectual property rights presents economic, ethical, social and policy challenges across the international academic and business communities. Intellectual property is also the starting point of interesting academic cross-disciplinary collaborations in learning and teaching and in research. It will probably always be primarily a law subject taught by lawyers to law students hoping to practice. At the same time there is a growing array of disciplines demanding an awareness of and a competence in handling intellectual property concepts and regulations. At Bournemouth, we have been teaching IP across the disciplines for more than a decade. Recently, the Higher Education Academy subject centres in Law and in Engineering jointly funded a project to research 'IP for Engineers'. WIPO has begun addressing IP Education in earnest. At an international symposium in July 2005, papers addressed different aspects of IP Education, including Collaboration between Law Faculties and other disciplines. In November 2005, they jointly sponsored a National Conference in China to consider IP Education from primary school thru postgraduate research. IP education beyond the law school raises interesting questions for anyone contemplating teaching this complex law subject to non-lawyers. What constitutes the IP syllabus? Who should be teaching IP? When should it be taught? How should it be taught? What resources should be available? This paper begins to explore some of the answers

    Optimization of the composition of crop collections for ex situ conservation

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    Many crop genetic resources collections have been established without a clearly defined conservation goal or mandate, which has resulted in collections of considerable size, unbalanced composition and high levels of duplication. Attempts to improve the composition of collections are hampered by the fact that conceptual views to optimize collection composition are very rare. An optimization strategy is proposed herein, which largely builds on the concepts of core collection and core selection. The proposed strategy relies on hierarchically structuring the crop gene pool and assigning a relative importance to each of its different components. Comparison of the resulting optimized distribution of the number of accessions with the actual distribution allows identification of under- and over-representation within a collection. Application of this strategy is illustrated by an example using potato. The proposed optimization strategy is applicable not only to individual genebanks, but also to consortia of cooperating genebanks, which makes it relevant for ongoing activities within projects that aim at sharing responsibilities among institutions on the basis of rational conservation, such as a European genebank integrated system and the global cacao genetic resources network CacaoNet

    Best practice in undertaking and reporting health technology assessments : Working Group 4 report

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    [Executive Summary] The aim of Working Group 4 has been to develop and disseminate best practice in undertaking and reporting assessments, and to identify needs for methodologic development. Health technology assessment (HTA) is a multidisciplinary activity that systematically examines the technical performance, safety, clinical efficacy, and effectiveness, cost, costeffectiveness, organizational implications, social consequences, legal, and ethical considerations of the application of a health technology (18). HTA activity has been continuously increasing over the last few years. Numerous HTA agencies and other institutions (termed in this report “HTA doers”) across Europe are producing an important and growing amount of HTA information. The objectives of HTA vary considerably between HTA agencies and other actors, from a strictly political decision making–oriented approach regarding advice on market licensure, coverage in benefits catalogue, or investment planning to information directed to providers or to the public. Although there seems to be broad agreement on the general elements that belong to the HTA process, and although HTA doers in Europe use similar principles (41), this is often difficult to see because of differences in language and terminology. In addition, the reporting of the findings from the assessments differs considerably. This reduces comparability and makes it difficult for those undertaking HTA assessments to integrate previous findings from other HTA doers in a subsequent evaluation of the same technology. Transparent and clear reporting is an important step toward disseminating the findings of a HTA; thus, standards that ensure high quality reporting may contribute to a wider dissemination of results. The EUR-ASSESS methodologic subgroup already proposed a framework for conducting and reporting HTA (18), which served as the basis for the current working group. New developments in the last 5 years necessitate revisiting that framework and providing a solid structure for future updates. Giving due attention to these methodologic developments, this report describes the current “best practice” in both undertaking and reporting HTA and identifies the needs for methodologic development. It concludes with specific recommendations and tools for implementing them, e.g., by providing the structure for English-language scientific summary reports and a checklist to assess the methodologic and reporting quality of HTA reports

    Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Review and Classify the Medical Literature on Cancer Susceptibility Genes

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    PURPOSE: The medical literature relevant to germline genetics is growing exponentially. Clinicians need tools monitoring and prioritizing the literature to understand the clinical implications of the pathogenic genetic variants. We developed and evaluated two machine learning models to classify abstracts as relevant to the penetrance (risk of cancer for germline mutation carriers) or prevalence of germline genetic mutations. METHODS: We conducted literature searches in PubMed and retrieved paper titles and abstracts to create an annotated dataset for training and evaluating the two machine learning classification models. Our first model is a support vector machine (SVM) which learns a linear decision rule based on the bag-of-ngrams representation of each title and abstract. Our second model is a convolutional neural network (CNN) which learns a complex nonlinear decision rule based on the raw title and abstract. We evaluated the performance of the two models on the classification of papers as relevant to penetrance or prevalence. RESULTS: For penetrance classification, we annotated 3740 paper titles and abstracts and used 60% for training the model, 20% for tuning the model, and 20% for evaluating the model. The SVM model achieves 89.53% accuracy (percentage of papers that were correctly classified) while the CNN model achieves 88.95 % accuracy. For prevalence classification, we annotated 3753 paper titles and abstracts. The SVM model achieves 89.14% accuracy while the CNN model achieves 89.13 % accuracy. CONCLUSION: Our models achieve high accuracy in classifying abstracts as relevant to penetrance or prevalence. By facilitating literature review, this tool could help clinicians and researchers keep abreast of the burgeoning knowledge of gene-cancer associations and keep the knowledge bases for clinical decision support tools up to date

    Involving External Stakeholders in Project Courses

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    Problem: The involvement of external stakeholders in capstone projects and project courses is desirable due to its potential positive effects on the students. Capstone projects particularly profit from the inclusion of an industrial partner to make the project relevant and help students acquire professional skills. In addition, an increasing push towards education that is aligned with industry and incorporates industrial partners can be observed. However, the involvement of external stakeholders in teaching moments can create friction and could, in the worst case, lead to frustration of all involved parties. Contribution: We developed a model that allows analysing the involvement of external stakeholders in university courses both in a retrospective fashion, to gain insights from past course instances, and in a constructive fashion, to plan the involvement of external stakeholders. Key Concepts: The conceptual model and the accompanying guideline guide the teachers in their analysis of stakeholder involvement. The model is comprised of several activities (define, execute, and evaluate the collaboration). The guideline provides questions that the teachers should answer for each of these activities. In the constructive use, the model allows teachers to define an action plan based on an analysis of potential stakeholders and the pedagogical objectives. In the retrospective use, the model allows teachers to identify issues that appeared during the project and their underlying causes. Drawing from ideas of the reflective practitioner, the model contains an emphasis on reflection and interpretation of the observations made by the teacher and other groups involved in the courses. Key Lessons: Applying the model retrospectively to a total of eight courses shows that it is possible to reveal hitherto implicit risks and assumptions and to gain a better insight into the interaction...Comment: Abstract shortened since arxiv.org limits length of abstracts. See paper/pdf for full abstract. Paper is forthcoming, accepted August 2017. Arxiv version 2 corrects misspelled author nam
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