2 research outputs found

    Combining Exploratory Projection Pursuit And Projection Pursuit Regression With Application To Neural Networks

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    We present a novel classification and regression method that combines exploratory projection pursuit (unsupervised training) with projection pursuit regression (supervised training), to yield a new family of cost/complexity penalty terms. Some improved generalization properties are demonstrated on real world problems. 1 Introduction Parameter estimation becomes difficult in high-dimensional spaces due to the increasing sparseness of the data. Therefore, when a low dimensional representation is embedded in the data, dimensionality reduction methods become useful. One such method -- projection pursuit regression (Friedman and Stuetzle, 1981) (PPR) is capable of performing dimensionality reduction by composition, namely, it constructs an approximation to the desired response function using a composition of lower dimensional smooth functions. These functions depend on low dimensional projections through the data. When the dimensionality of the problem is in the thousands, even projection..