3 research outputs found

    Learning a Word-Level Language Model with Sentence-Level Noise Contrastive Estimation for Contextual Sentence Probability Estimation

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    Inferring the probability distribution of sentences or word sequences is a key process in natural language processing. While word-level language models (LMs) have been widely adopted for computing the joint probabilities of word sequences, they have difficulty in capturing a context long enough for sentence probability estimation (SPE). To overcome this, recent studies introduced training methods using sentence-level noise-contrastive estimation (NCE) with recurrent neural networks (RNNs). In this work, we attempt to extend it for contextual SPE, which aims to estimate a conditional sentence probability given a previous text. The proposed NCE samples negative sentences independently of a previous text so that the trained model gives higher probabilities to the sentences that are more consistent with \textcolor{blue}{the} context. We apply our method to a simple word-level RNN LM to focus on the effect of the sentence-level NCE training rather than on the network architecture. The quality of estimation was evaluated against multiple-choice cloze-style questions including both human and automatically generated questions. The experimental results show that the proposed method improved the SPE quality for the word-level RNN LM.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figures, 3 figure

    Text Classification with Lexicon from PreAttention Mechanism

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    A comprehensive and high-quality lexicon plays a crucial role in traditional text classification approaches. And it improves the utilization of the linguistic knowledge. Although it is helpful for the task, the lexicon has got little attention in recent neural network models. Firstly, getting a high-quality lexicon is not easy. We lack an effective automated lexicon extraction method, and most lexicons are hand crafted, which is very inefficient for big data. What's more, there is no an effective way to use a lexicon in a neural network. To address those limitations, we propose a Pre-Attention mechanism for text classification in this paper, which can learn attention of different words according to their effects in the classification tasks. The words with different attention can form a domain lexicon. Experiments on three benchmark text classification tasks show that our models get competitive result comparing with the state-of-the-art methods. We get 90.5% accuracy on Stanford Large Movie Review dataset, 82.3% on Subjectivity dataset, 93.7% on Movie Reviews. And compared with the text classification model without Pre-Attention mechanism, those with Pre-Attention mechanism improve by 0.9%-2.4% accuracy, which proves the validity of the Pre-Attention mechanism. In addition, the Pre-Attention mechanism performs well followed by different types of neural networks (e.g., convolutional neural networks and Long Short-Term Memory networks). For the same dataset, when we use Pre-Attention mechanism to get attention value followed by different neural networks, those words with high attention values have a high degree of coincidence, which proves the versatility and portability of the Pre-Attention mechanism. we can get stable lexicons by attention values, which is an inspiring method of information extraction.Comment: 11 page

    Depression Detection with Multi-Modalities Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Model on Social Media

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    Social networks enable people to interact with one another by sharing information, sending messages, making friends, and having discussions, which generates massive amounts of data every day, popularly called as the user-generated content. This data is present in various forms such as images, text, videos, links, and others and reflects user behaviours including their mental states. It is challenging yet promising to automatically detect mental health problems from such data which is short, sparse and sometimes poorly phrased. However, there are efforts to automatically learn patterns using computational models on such user-generated content. While many previous works have largely studied the problem on a small-scale by assuming uni-modality of data which may not give us faithful results, we propose a novel scalable hybrid model that combines Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (BiGRUs) and Convolutional Neural Networks to detect depressed users on social media such as Twitter-based on multi-modal features. Specifically, we encode words in user posts using pre-trained word embeddings and BiGRUs to capture latent behavioural patterns, long-term dependencies, and correlation across the modalities, including semantic sequence features from the user timelines (posts). The CNN model then helps learn useful features. Our experiments show that our model outperforms several popular and strong baseline methods, demonstrating the effectiveness of combining deep learning with multi-modal features. We also show that our model helps improve predictive performance when detecting depression in users who are posting messages publicly on social media.Comment: 23 Page