5,208 research outputs found

    Real-time programmable acoustooptic synthetic aperture radar processor

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    The acoustooptic time-and-space integrating approach to real-time synthetic aperture radar (SAR) processing is reviewed, and novel hybrid optical/electronic techniques, which generalize the basic architecture, are described. The generalized architecture is programmable and has the ability to compensate continuously for range migration changes in the parameters of the radar/target geometry and anomalous platform motion. The new architecture is applicable to the spotlight mode of SAR, particularly for applications in which real-time onboard processing is required

    Examples of current radar technology and applications, chapter 5, part B

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    Basic principles and tradeoff considerations for SLAR are summarized. There are two fundamental types of SLAR sensors available to the remote sensing user: real aperture and synthetic aperture. The primary difference between the two types is that a synthetic aperture system is capable of significant improvements in target resolution but requires equally significant added complexity and cost. The advantages of real aperture SLAR include long range coverage, all-weather operation, in-flight processing and image viewing, and lower cost. The fundamental limitation of the real aperture approach is target resolution. Synthetic aperture processing is the most practical approach for remote sensing problems that require resolution higher than 30 to 40 m

    Subsurface sounders

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    Airborne or spaceborne electromagnetic systems used to detect subsurface features are discussed. Data are given as a function of resistivity of ground material, magnetic permeability of free space, and angular frequency. It was noted that resistivities vary with the water content and temperature

    Bayesian off-line detection of multiple change-points corrupted by multiplicative noise : application to SAR image edge detection

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    This paper addresses the problem of Bayesian off-line change-point detection in synthetic aperture radar images. The minimum mean square error and maximum a posteriori estimators of the changepoint positions are studied. Both estimators cannot be implemented because of optimization or integration problems. A practical implementation using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods is proposed. This implementation requires a priori knowledge of the so-called hyperparameters. A hyperparameter estimation procedure is proposed that alleviates the requirement of knowing the values of the hyperparameters. Simulation results on synthetic signals and synthetic aperture radar images are presented

    Using Shadows to Detect Targets in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can generate high resolution imagery of re- mote scenes by combining the phase information of multiple radar pulses along a given path. SAR based Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) has the advantage over optical ISR that it can provide usable imagery in adverse weather or nighttime conditions. Certain radar frequencies can even result in foliage or limited soil penetration, enabling imagery to be created of objects of interest that would otherwise be hidden from optical surveillance systems. This thesis demonstrates the capability of locating stationary targets of interest based on the locations of their shadows and the characteristics of pixel intensity distributions within the SAR imagery. Shadows, in SAR imagery, represent the absence of a detectable signal reflection due to the physical obstruction of the transmitted radar energy. An object\u27s shadow indicates its true geospatial location. This thesis demonstrates target detection based on shadow location using three types of target vehicles, each located in urban and rural clutter scenes, from the publicly available Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition (MSTAR) data set. The proposed distribution characterization method for detecting shadows demonstrates the capability of isolating distinct regions within SAR imagery and using the junctions between shadow and non-shadow regions to locate individual shadow-casting objects. Targets of interest are then located within that collection of objects with an average detection accuracy rate of 93%. The shadow-based target detection algorithm results in a lower false alarm rate compared to previous research conducted with the same data set, with 71% fewer false alarms for the same clutter region. Utilizing the absence of signal, in conjunction with surrounding signal reflections, provides accurate stationary target detection. This capability could greatly assist in track initialization or the location of otherwise obscured targets of interest

    Exploitation of SAR data for measurement of ocean currents and wave velocities

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    Methods of extracting information on ocean currents and wave orbital velocities from SAR data by an analysis of the Doppler frequency content of the data are discussed. The theory and data analysis methods are discussed, and results are presented for both aircraft and satellite (SEASAT) data sets. A method of measuring the phase velocity of a gravity wave field is also described. This method uses the shift in position of the wave crests on two images generated from the same data set using two separate Doppler bands. Results of the current measurements are pesented for 11 aircraft data sets and 4 SEASAT data sets

    Glacier motion estimation using SAR offset-tracking procedures

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    Two image-to-image patch offset techniques for estimating feature motion between satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are discussed. Intensity tracking, based on patch intensity cross-correlation optimization, and coherence tracking, based on patch coherence optimization, are used to estimate the movement of glacier surfaces between two SAR images in both slant-range and azimuth direction. The accuracy and application range of the two methods are examined in the case of the surge of Monacobreen in Northern Svalbard between 1992 and 1996. Offset-tracking procedures of SAR images are an alternative to differential SAR interferometry for the estimation of glacier motion when differential SAR interferometry is limited by loss of coherence, i.e., in the case of rapid and incoherent flow and of large acquisition time intervals between the two SAR images. In addition, an offset-tracking procedure in the azimuth direction may be combined with differential SAR interferometry in the slant-range direction in order to retrieve a two-dimensional displacement map when SAR data of only one orbit configuration are available

    Nonparametric Edge Detection in Speckled Imagery

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    We address the issue of edge detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery. In particular, we propose nonparametric methods for edge detection, and numerically compare them to an alternative method that has been recently proposed in the literature. Our results show that some of the proposed methods display superior results and are computationally simpler than the existing method. An application to real (not simulated) data is presented and discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Mathematics and Computers in Simulatio

    Two-Stage Change Detection for Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Coherent change detection using paired synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is often performed using a classical coherence estimator that is invariant to the true variances of the populations underlying each paired sample. While attractive, this estimator is biased and requires a significant number of samples to yield good performance. Increasing sample size often results in decreased image resolution. Thus, we propose the use of Berger's coherence estimate because, with the same number of pixels, the estimator effectively doubles the sample support without sacrificing resolution when the underlying population variances are equal or near equal. A potential drawback of this approach is that it is not invariant since its distribution depends on the pixel pair population variances. While Berger's estimator is inherently sensitive to the inequality of population variances, we propose a method of insulating the detector from this acuity. A two-stage change statistic is introduced to combine a noncoherent intensity change statistic given by the sample variance ratio, followed by the alternative Berger estimator, which assumes equal population variances. The first-stage detector identifies pixel pairs that have nonequal variances as changes caused by the displacement of sizeable object. The pixel pairs that are identified to have equal or near-equal variances in the first stage are used as an input to the second stage. The second-stage test uses the alternative Berger coherence estimator to detect subtle changes such as tire tracks and footprints. We show experimentally that the proposed method yields higher contrast SAR change detection images than the classical coherent change detector (state of the art), the alternative coherent change detector, and the intensity change detector. Experimental results are presented to show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm for SAR change detection

    Scattering statistics of rock outcrops: Model-data comparisons and Bayesian inference using mixture distributions

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    The probability density function of the acoustic field amplitude scattered by the seafloor was measured in a rocky environment off the coast of Norway using a synthetic aperture sonar system, and is reported here in terms of the probability of false alarm. Interpretation of the measurements focused on finding appropriate class of statistical models (single versus two-component mixture models), and on appropriate models within these two classes. It was found that two-component mixture models performed better than single models. The two mixture models that performed the best (and had a basis in the physics of scattering) were a mixture between two K distributions, and a mixture between a Rayleigh and generalized Pareto distribution. Bayes' theorem was used to estimate the probability density function of the mixture model parameters. It was found that the K-K mixture exhibits significant correlation between its parameters. The mixture between the Rayleigh and generalized Pareto distributions also had significant parameter correlation, but also contained multiple modes. We conclude that the mixture between two K distributions is the most applicable to this dataset.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Accepted to the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Americ