191,067 research outputs found

    Combined (identity-based) public key schemes

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    Consider a scenario in which parties use a public key encryption scheme and a signature scheme with a single public key/private key pair---so the private key sk is used for both signing and decrypting. Such a simultaneous use of a key is in general considered poor cryptographic practice, but from an efficiency point of view looks attractive. We offer security notions to analyze such violations of key separation. For both the identity- and the non-identity-based setting, we show that---although being insecure in general---for schemes of interest the resulting combined (identity-based) public key scheme can offer strong security guarantees

    Combined schemes for signature and encryption: The public-key and the identity-based setting

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    Consider a scenario in which parties use a public-key encryption scheme and a signature scheme with a single public key/private key pair-so the private key sk is used for both signing and decrypting. Such a simultaneous use of a key is in general considered poor cryptographic practice, but from an efficiency point of view looks attractive. We offer security notions to analyze such violations of key separation. For both the identity-and the non-identity-based setting, we show that-although being insecure in general-for schemes of interest the resulting combined scheme can offer strong security guarantees.First and last author were supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the project grant MTM-2012-15167

    Lattice-Based Dual Receiver Encryption and More

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    Dual receiver encryption (DRE), proposed by Diament et al. at ACM CCS 2004, is a special extension notion of public-key encryption, which enables two independent receivers to decrypt a ciphertext into a same plaintext. This primitive is quite useful in designing combined public key cryptosystems and denial of service attack-resilient protocols. Up till now, a series of DRE schemes are constructed from bilinear pairing groups and lattices. In this work, we introduce a construction of lattice-based DRE. Our scheme is indistinguishable against chosen-ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA) from the standard Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption with a public key of bit-size about 2nmlogq2nm\log q, where mm and qq are small polynomials in nn. Additionally, for the DRE notion in the identity-based setting, identity-based DRE (IB-DRE), we also give a lattice-based IB-DRE scheme that achieves chosen-plaintext and adaptively chosen identity security based on the LWE assumption with public parameter size about (2+1)nmlogq(2\ell +1)nm\log q, where \ell is the bit-size of the identity in the scheme

    You Can Sign but Not Decrypt: Hierarchical Integrated Encryption and Signature

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    Recently, Chen et al. (ASIACRYPT 2021) introduced a notion called hierarchical integrated signature and encryption (HISE), which provides a new principle for combining public key schemes. It uses a single public key for both signature and encryption schemes, and one can derive a decryption key from the signing key but not vice versa. Whereas, they left the dual notion where the signing key can be derived from the decryption key as an open problem. In this paper, we resolve the problem by formalizing the notion called hierarchical integrated encryption and signature (HIES). Similar to HISE, it features a unique public key for both encryption and signature components and has a two-level key derivation mechanism, but reverses the hierarchy between signing key and decryption key, i.e. one can derive a signing key from the decryption key but not vice versa. This property enables secure delegation of signing capacity in the public key reuse setting. We present a generic construction of HIES from constrained identity-based encryption. Furthermore, we instantiate our generic HIES construction and implement it. The experimental result demonstrates that our HIES scheme is comparable to the best Cartesian product combined public-key scheme in terms of efficiency, and is superior in having richer functionality as well as retaining merits of key reuse

    Hierarchical Integrated Signature and Encryption

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    In this work, we introduce the notion of hierarchical integrated signature and encryption (HISE), wherein a single public key is used for both signature and encryption, and one can derive a secret key used only for decryption from the signing key, which enables secure delegation of decryption capability. HISE enjoys the benefit of key reuse, and admits individual key escrow. We present two generic constructions of HISE. One is from (constrained) identity-based encryption. The other is from uniform one-way function, public-key encryption, and general-purpose public-coin zero-knowledge proof of knowledge. To further attain global key escrow, we take a little detour to revisit global escrow PKE, an object both of independent interest and with many applications. We formalize the syntax and security model of global escrow PKE, and provide two generic constructions. The first embodies a generic approach to compile any PKE into one with global escrow property. The second establishes a connection between three-party non-interactive key exchange and global escrow PKE. Combining the results developed above, we obtain HISE schemes that support both individual and global key escrow. We instantiate our generic constructions of (global escrow) HISE and implement all the resulting concrete schemes for 128-bit security. Our schemes have performance that is comparable to the best Cartesian product combined public-key scheme, and exhibit advantages in terms of richer functionality and public key reuse. As a byproduct, we obtain a new global escrow PKE scheme that is 1230×12-30 \times faster than the best prior work, which might be of independent interest

    ID-based Ring Signature and Proxy Ring Signature Schemes from Bilinear Pairings

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    In 2001, Rivest et al. firstly introduced the concept of ring signatures. A ring signature is a simplified group signature without any manager. It protects the anonymity of a signer. The first scheme proposed by Rivest et al. was based on RSA cryptosystem and certificate based public key setting. The first ring signature scheme based on DLP was proposed by Abe, Ohkubo, and Suzuki. Their scheme is also based on the general certificate-based public key setting too. In 2002, Zhang and Kim proposed a new ID-based ring signature scheme using pairings. Later Lin and Wu proposed a more efficient ID-based ring signature scheme. Both these schemes have some inconsistency in computational aspect. In this paper we propose a new ID-based ring signature scheme and a proxy ring signature scheme. Both the schemes are more efficient than existing one. These schemes also take care of the inconsistencies in above two schemes.Comment: Published with ePrint Archiv

    Security Analysis of the Unrestricted Identity-Based Aggregate Signature Scheme

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    Aggregate signatures allow anyone to combine different signatures signed by different signers on different messages into a single short signature. An ideal aggregate signature scheme is an identity-based aggregate signature (IBAS) scheme that supports full aggregation since it can reduce the total transmitted data by using an identity string as a public key and anyone can freely aggregate different signatures. Constructing a secure IBAS scheme that supports full aggregation in bilinear maps is an important open problem. Recently, Yuan {\it et al.} proposed an IBAS scheme with full aggregation in bilinear maps and claimed its security in the random oracle model under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption. In this paper, we show that there exists an efficient forgery attacker on their IBAS scheme and their security proof has a serious flaw.Comment: 9 page

    Adaptive learning and cryptography

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    Significant links exist between cryptography and computational learning theory. Cryptographic functions are the usual method of demonstrating significant intractability results in computational learning theory as they can demonstrate that certain problems are hard in a representation independent sense. On the other hand, hard learning problems have been used to create efficient cryptographic protocols such as authentication schemes, pseudo-random permutations and functions, and even public key encryption schemes.;Learning theory / coding theory also impacts cryptography in that it enables cryptographic primitives to deal with the issues of noise or bias in their inputs. Several different constructions of fuzzy primitives exist, a fuzzy primitive being a primitive which functions correctly even in the presence of noisy , or non-uniform inputs. Some examples of these primitives include error-correcting blockciphers, fuzzy identity based cryptosystems, fuzzy extractors and fuzzy sketches. Error correcting blockciphers combine both encryption and error correction in a single function which results in increased efficiency. Fuzzy identity based encryption allows the decryption of any ciphertext that was encrypted under a close enough identity. Fuzzy extractors and sketches are methods of reliably (re)-producing a uniformly random secret key given an imperfectly reproducible string from a biased source, through a public string that is called the sketch .;While hard learning problems have many qualities which make them useful in constructing cryptographic protocols, such as their inherent error tolerance and simple algebraic structure, it is often difficult to utilize them to construct very secure protocols due to assumptions they make on the learning algorithm. Due to these assumptions, the resulting protocols often do not have security against various types of adaptive adversaries. to help deal with this issue, we further examine the inter-relationships between cryptography and learning theory by introducing the concept of adaptive learning . Adaptive learning is a rather weak form of learning in which the learner is not expected to closely approximate the concept function in its entirety, rather it is only expected to answer a query of the learner\u27s choice about the target. Adaptive learning allows for a much weaker learner than in the standard model, while maintaining the the positive properties of many learning problems in the standard model, a fact which we feel makes problems that are hard to adaptively learn more useful than standard model learning problems in the design of cryptographic protocols. We argue that learning parity with noise is hard to do adaptively and use that assumption to construct a related key secure, efficient MAC as well as an efficient authentication scheme. In addition we examine the security properties of fuzzy sketches and extractors and demonstrate how these properties can be combined by using our related key secure MAC. We go on to demonstrate that our extractor can allow a form of related-key hardening for protocols in that, by affecting how the key for a primitive is stored it renders that protocol immune to related key attacks