2 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Complexity of Translating a Box in Polyhedral 3-Space

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    We study the space of free translations of a box amidst polyhedral obstacles with n vertices. We show that the combinatorial complexity of this space is O(n 2 ff(n)) where ff(n) is the inverse Ackermann function. Our bound is within an ff(n) factor off the lower bound, and it constitutes an improvement of almost an order of magnitude over the best previously known (and naive) bound for this problem, O(n 3 ). For the case of a convex polygon of fixed (constant) size translating in the same setting (namely, a two-dimensional polygon translating in three-dimensional space), we show a tight bound \Theta(n 2 ff(n)) on the complexity of the free space. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proc. 9th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, San Diego, 1993. Work on this paper by the first author has been supported by a Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellowship, by a grant from the Stanford Integrated Manufacturing Association (SIMA), by NSF/ARPA Grant IRI-9306544, and by NSF Grant..

    Combinatorial complexity of translating a box in polyhedral 3-space

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