4 research outputs found

    MaxGap Bandit: Adaptive Algorithms for Approximate Ranking

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    This paper studies the problem of adaptively sampling from K distributions (arms) in order to identify the largest gap between any two adjacent means. We call this the MaxGap-bandit problem. This problem arises naturally in approximate ranking, noisy sorting, outlier detection, and top-arm identification in bandits. The key novelty of the MaxGap-bandit problem is that it aims to adaptively determine the natural partitioning of the distributions into a subset with larger means and a subset with smaller means, where the split is determined by the largest gap rather than a pre-specified rank or threshold. Estimating an arm's gap requires sampling its neighboring arms in addition to itself, and this dependence results in a novel hardness parameter that characterizes the sample complexity of the problem. We propose elimination and UCB-style algorithms and show that they are minimax optimal. Our experiments show that the UCB-style algorithms require 6-8x fewer samples than non-adaptive sampling to achieve the same error

    Combinatorial Pure Exploration with Continuous and Separable Reward Functions and Its Applications

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    We study the Combinatorial Pure Exploration problem with Continuous and Separable reward functions (CPE-CS) in the stochastic multi-armed bandit setting. In a CPE-CS instance, we are given several stochastic arms with unknown distributions, as well as a collection of possible decisions. Each decision has a reward according to the distributions of arms. The goal is to identify the decision with the maximum reward, using as few arm samples as possible. The problem generalizes the combinatorial pure exploration problem with linear rewards, which has attracted significant attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose an adaptive learning algorithm for the CPE-CS problem, and analyze its sample complexity. In particular, we introduce a new hardness measure called the consistent optimality hardness, and give both the upper and lower bounds of sample complexity. Moreover, we give examples to demonstrate that our solution has the capacity to deal with non-linear reward functions.1