4 research outputs found

    Strolling through Paradise

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    With each of the usual tree forcings I (e.g., I = Sacks forcing S, Laver forcing L, Miller forcing M, Mathias forcing R, etc.) we associate a sigma--ideal i^0 on the reals as follows: A \in i^0 iff for all T \in I there is S \leq T (i.e. S is stronger than T or, equivalently, S is a subtree of T) such that A \cap [S] = \emptyset, where [S] denotes the set of branches through S. So, s^0 is the ideal of Marczewski null sets, r^0 is the ideal of Ramsey null sets (nowhere Ramsey sets) etc. We show (in ZFC) that whenever i^0, j^0 are two such ideals, then i^0 \sem j^0 \neq \emptyset. E.g., for I=S and J=R this gives a Marczewski null set which is not Ramsey, extending earlier partial results by Aniszczyk, Frankiewicz, Plewik, Brown and Corazza and answering a question of the latter. In case I=M and J=L this gives a Miller null set which is not Laver null; this answers a question addressed by Spinas. We also investigate the question which pairs of the ideals considered are orthogonal and which are not. Furthermore we include Mycielski's ideal P_2 in our discussion

    n-localization property

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    Let n be an integer greater than 1. A tree T is an n-ary tree provided that every node in T has at most n immediate successors. A forcing notion P has the n-localization property if every function from omega to omega in an extension via P is an omega-branch in an n-ary tree from the ground model. In the present paper we are interested in getting the n-localization property for countable support iterations