1 research outputs found

    Equitable colorings of hypergraphs with few edges

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    The paper deals with an extremal problem concerning equitable colorings of uniform hyper\-graph. Recall that a vertex coloring of a hypergraph HH is called proper if there are no monochro-matic edges under this coloring. A hypergraph is said to be equitably rr-colorable if there is a proper coloring with rr colors such that the sizes of any two color classes differ by at most one. In the present paper we prove that if the number of edges ∣E(H)βˆ£β‰€0.01(nln⁑n)rβˆ’1rrnβˆ’1|E(H)|\leq 0.01\left(\frac{n}{\ln n}\right)^{\frac {r-1}{r}}r^{n-1} then the hypergraph HH is equitably rr-colorable provided r<ln⁑n5r<\sqrt[5]{\ln n}